Multi level-marketing

Hi guys n girls.

Did you hear about MLM(multi level marketing?) I consider joining to a my friend group, from her point of view this business is nice, easy and you can get good money with it

If you ever had to deal with MLM would be cool if you could share with me your personal thoughts about this kind of business and some tips If you suceeded at it.

I read a lot and it looks pretty nice to me, whats your opinion

E: don't confuse MLM with Pyramid Scheme because MLM is legal since you can earn more money than the man who took you up to the business, and MLM is about selling REAL products for real money, not like in pyramids about paying a huge fee to sell a non-existing products.

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image: S14220-0003

Yes its a very popular form of scam. Have fun.
weird, as you said it is very popular form of scam but i can't find any connection between scam and mlm

Pyramids are illegal, mlm is legal

"Understand the difference. Multi-level marketing companies follow a similar concept to a pyramid scheme, which is a reason for most of the confusion, except that two significant differences exist.

* One difference is that members at any level of a multi-level marketing model can make income through the company’s products and/or services without signing up any new members.
* The second difference is that members of any level in a multi-level can advance past the people who signed them up.
* Finally,multi-level marketing companies are LEGAL!"

E: and from the wikipedia link that you pasted

"These types of schemes have existed for at least a century, some with variations to hide their true nature, and many people believe that multilevel marketing is also a pyramid scheme.[22"
Seems like you've already made your mind up, but I certainly would not get involved with anything like that. I know people that have, and unless you are one of the few you will work ridiculous hours, spend a lot of time (and money) and not get much in return. If you think about how these things actually work it's not hard to figure out.
The more important question is: Why didnt Frodo just fly on an eagle to the Mordor?

image: AHaWl
he was retarded
Sauron and the Nazgul would have seen him duh?
dont really think they could react on time
they would've noticed him easily when flying all the way to Mordor :D
I didnt mean all the way to mordor. just the last part. think it would go unnoticed untill too late. but what do I know what kind of antiair protection they had :d
eagles cannot into vicinity of eye!

Ah well, I guess the story would be boring as fuck if they just flew in trolling around throwing the ring into the fire.
You have to sell your soul and family for that. It takes too much time and energy. You'd rather focus on classic and safer ways to make money.
Don't fall into this trap.
image: trap
Only the top of the chain makes any money from this. You gotta work a whole lot for this to work out, be extremely active and all. My friend tried to get me into this a while back, thank god I realised that its all a big hoax.
Higly profitable at a tip of a pyramid. You'r not at the tip of the pyramid. Also "from her point of view" , sight through them kitchen windows is not that good.
when things seem too good to be true, they are
Well, i have some friendz involved in it...and my personal experience is about public relationship multi level stuff.

I wanna be simple and much clear possible:

More you work and are good to manage your contact..more you other case, just do else..
Well I can't really say if im good in managing my contacts because i never tried this before, i havent any problem with getting to know new ppl so it might be worth to try
Dont do it
It's a pyramid scam. Sure, it's possible (although extremely difficult) to work your way up the pyramid, but that doesn't change anything.
There's a small difference between scamming and tricking people into unprofitable shit, like between punching a retard and asking one to hit himself. It's fine if they agree.
It's usually a scam.
You usually lose a lot of money at the beginning without having have any assurance that you will actually get some money.
It starts with you sending some money to signup or buying stuff(expensive) to sell. Then you gotta convince people around you to sign with you and thus work for you, but in the end, you all gave money to a dude.

The best MLM example I've seen so far is the Emway system. A cool system, hard and expensive. That should be your first step for studying this.
Country: PL thought you poles had it figured out? Move to the uk and do all the shitty minimum wage jobs no one else will do?
Why don't racists get banned?
Someone seems mad she can't get a job.
me? :o i have a job :o
Why are you whining like a little bitch then?
in the end, someone has to pay for it
Vega ist der beste
as soon as i saw you were polish i didnt believe it :D
Why don't you just get a job.
/\ = MLM
its a scam no matter what you think
i worked for zepter

they full of shit.this is full of shit.the very few in top get some money,the rest...just running their mouth to convince a bunch of ppl who won t buy anything anyway

avon,oriflame many other examples comes to my head.sure the boss of this is a billionaire,but my friends ain t .and many other frauds they had to deal with like for example the team leader buying products and using signature of their employees,and many such other shit full of shit,but the ones who invented it made bad suckers still join in
To me the concept looks ok and will make good profit if you really want to and actively develop the skills required. What kind of products will you sell, is there a variety or do you just sell e.g. perfume?

e: I think its wise you take the moral part Nellie explained into consideration.
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