Multi level-marketing
13 Jan 2012, 23:39
Hi guys n girls.
Did you hear about MLM(multi level marketing?) I consider joining to a my friend group, from her point of view this business is nice, easy and you can get good money with it
If you ever had to deal with MLM would be cool if you could share with me your personal thoughts about this kind of business and some tips If you suceeded at it.
I read a lot and it looks pretty nice to me, whats your opinion
E: don't confuse MLM with Pyramid Scheme because MLM is legal since you can earn more money than the man who took you up to the business, and MLM is about selling REAL products for real money, not like in pyramids about paying a huge fee to sell a non-existing products.
Did you hear about MLM(multi level marketing?) I consider joining to a my friend group, from her point of view this business is nice, easy and you can get good money with it
If you ever had to deal with MLM would be cool if you could share with me your personal thoughts about this kind of business and some tips If you suceeded at it.
I read a lot and it looks pretty nice to me, whats your opinion
E: don't confuse MLM with Pyramid Scheme because MLM is legal since you can earn more money than the man who took you up to the business, and MLM is about selling REAL products for real money, not like in pyramids about paying a huge fee to sell a non-existing products.
Pyramids are illegal, mlm is legal
"Understand the difference. Multi-level marketing companies follow a similar concept to a pyramid scheme, which is a reason for most of the confusion, except that two significant differences exist.
* One difference is that members at any level of a multi-level marketing model can make income through the company’s products and/or services without signing up any new members.
* The second difference is that members of any level in a multi-level can advance past the people who signed them up.
* Finally,multi-level marketing companies are LEGAL!"
E: and from the wikipedia link that you pasted
"These types of schemes have existed for at least a century, some with variations to hide their true nature, and many people believe that multilevel marketing is also a pyramid scheme.[22"
Don't fall into this trap.
I wanna be simple and much clear possible:
More you work and are good to manage your contact..more you other case, just do else..
You usually lose a lot of money at the beginning without having have any assurance that you will actually get some money.
It starts with you sending some money to signup or buying stuff(expensive) to sell. Then you gotta convince people around you to sign with you and thus work for you, but in the end, you all gave money to a dude.
The best MLM example I've seen so far is the Emway system. A cool system, hard and expensive. That should be your first step for studying this.
they full of shit.this is full of shit.the very few in top get some money,the rest...just running their mouth to convince a bunch of ppl who won t buy anything anyway
avon,oriflame many other examples comes to my head.sure the boss of this is a billionaire,but my friends ain t .and many other frauds they had to deal with like for example the team leader buying products and using signature of their employees,and many such other shit full of shit,but the ones who invented it made bad suckers still join in
e: I think its wise you take the moral part Nellie explained into consideration.