LoL buggg

Error: " Unable to connect to server. If you have a firewall, it may be blocking the connection. Please refer to your firewall's documentation. Would you like to retry the connection?"

So what is up with this and is there a solution to it?
Happened to me last night and half an hour ago again.. wtf is this shit?
I have no windows firewall and no av firewall and my internet is working correctly, idk if this is just another stupid bug in this game...
just post this at support forum of lol cf is too retarded for diz
I checked some threats of the lol forums and the people there seem to be as dumb as the game itself
happened to other people too, i guess snoopeh said something like this the earlier when i was watching his stream, so he played na server
happened to other people recently or already some time ago?
ich glaub er meinte es is bei ihm heute morgen passiert, auch wegen so nem firewall ding, aber atm spielt er wieder duoq mit wickd auf west
hatte ich heute als ich ranked gestartet hab.... 16 elo kurwa, kam nicht mehr ins spiel
Das mit dem nichtmehr ins Spiel kommen etc. gabs doch letztes Jahr auch schon für 2-3 Tage oder?
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