What to do?:0

Ok, so basiclly its saturday evening, was having night shifts whole week, wanna party hard today...

BUT, apparently my m8 are not willing to do so... What alternatives to spend the night and have fun i have? any movies/games u could recommend?

EDIT: Good news, my bros changed their minds, we're hitting some pubs. Thx for support!
Study Corporate tax for me, please.
Study mathematical statistics for me, please.
nigdy wiecej statystyki, nawet jesli musze jej uzywac w pracy :X
image: Little_Busters!_game_cover


image: c0dw9la6anj36h8wv


image: Wolfenstein+Enemy+Territory3


image: Coca-Cola

Living the dream
I have to say I like your style. Also might add Nisemonogatari to that list. Gonna use your third option now and later continue my night with the first option. Have a nice evening
no poker.jpg???
i'm sure u can find at least one m8 so u can go on a safari of chicks
Fap furiously.
play through the new batman?
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