Laptop for gaming

Helloz bitzjez,

Looking for the best bang-for-bucks laptop atm. Budget is around 1500 euros.
want to play latest and future games at decent FPS, size pref about 15 inch.

found this one already, is it any good?

inb4 lmgtfy, l2google, tits or gtfo, laptop sucks

seems good yeah
get alienware
razer blade *trollface*
2 7200rpm hdd-s? thats some sweet battery burning xD
really dont get it why people want to game on laptop
because its so much more handy - you play an fps game for x amount of time then go play football manager on the sofa and watch tv. Rollin' nerds @ internetz, rollin' tv @ sofa
who watches tv these days? the only thing i could come up with is connect your laptop on tv and watch movies
+ as a student you need your computer at home AND at your student flat
That's exactly the reason why I bougth this laptop.

Before I had the stationary desktop PC at my student flat and a small laptop to take with me to uni and parent's place. Whenever I was at my laptop, I never had the data I needed because I forgot to send it over from the desktop and visa verca.

Just so comfortable to have ONE computer with all your data and you don't depend on a place, can just take it with you wherever you go. And if you like, you could even play a few games here and then :-)
its called external hardrive
MSI GT683DXR 15,6'
laptops suck
look at my profile for specs..
or my review:

was ~1500€ and can play pretty much everything on high settings.

Ordered mine from the US (

120Hz 3D screen
i7 sandybridge
GTX 560
Intel SSD 510 Series 120GB
Nice built quality
If thunderbolt or lightningbolt are going to hit the market gaming on laptops would be much easier.
I got this
But i don't care much about gaming but for 550 that was good deal.

But your laptop looks good, but i would always get a SSD if you spend that kind of money.
cheers for reactions all, bought the one i posted. Yeah i wanted to buy it as i'm moving between home and student house/college
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