Buying new mouse..

Hi there crossfire !

Well, my one and only Logitech G5 died today. :( Worked perfectly for 6years.. He deserves a real funeral, I loved that mouse.

Now it's time to replace it, so my question to you guys is:
G400 or G500 ?

I'm using a razer mantis speed and have been playing with the G5 for 6years.
If you give an opinion.. please defend it with arguments etc, so It's usefull for me!

Thx in advance & Goodluck to those who are having the worst period of the year, exams.

image: 500full

Edit: Logitech G400 it is, thanks guys & play with or against me this evening after 21 with my new mouse <3.
Logitech stoped making mx518 and replaced it with g400 ( almost same mouse but different name
aah, i was wondering why the prices kept rising
mx518 or g400
I'd recommend a good old fashioned mx518. Razer products always seem to malfunction when their warranty expires from what I hear from other people (mine as well just started acting weird after 3-4 years, still way ahead of warranty but aaaaaaaanyway) :p.
never talked about razer, G400 is the new mx518 :) So will get the G400 :)
Been using the G5 for years aswell until it died and chose the mx518, got used to it pretty fast and I think its a pretty good mouse
i'd rather pick G400, according to Portugal ag0n's comments (seems he's not happy with G500). still am not a very fan of logitech, because i broke their 4 mouses in 3 years. still it was about mxes so it may be a good choice.

otherwise get steelseries sensei/xai or go for razer deathadder (not sure about that refreshed version but old one works like a charm for 4 years - longer than all logitech mouses together i've got).

good luck with ur pickup mate, xx.
Call logitec! I bet u ll get a free new mouse
een welgemeende fuck you
i need a PC controller to play Fifa with my laptop

anyone has some cheap controllers/links for me?

prefer german websites
i bought a fake xbox360 controller from
works flawless
didnt even have to change settings

you have to be fast though, chinese new year is coming up
the will stop working for a week
Never used any other mouse apart from Intelli 3.0
If anyone wants to send me there old mouse to try fire ahead :D
wont make you better in quake
he rolles R0SS in it
if i had same nick as you, i'd advice steelseries sensei lol ;D
widzisz esti, ale to tylko fejk dlatego mx518 !
we're not allowed to speak in Poland, unless its about polish journals. am sorry but i have to report ya :/
g400 for sure.. g500 is terrible and heavy.
g400 is superior compared to g500.
g400 perfect mouse!
gogo ecklav
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