Competitive CS

Who here follows the competitive CounterStrike scene? I assume that 1.6 is still more relevant than Source.
yes it is
One does not simply follow the CS gaming scene.

Otherwise, I sometimes do when there are some big events.
ofc it is! 1.6 will never die!
ferus still playing?
He played source not 1.6 :)
Yes, whenever my schedule allows me from the rest of competitive pro-gaming scenes which I also follow
Watch it from time to time :) I don't get what's going on but i like it!
always saw real match on 1.6 so :)

only playing css gungame sometimes for fun
cs 1.6 still more active than css. some ukrains called Na'Vi dominating CS scene, atleast in my opinion they are sick players and best team so far eventho..
they dominated 2010, didnt win shit 2011 afaik
TEG used to roll :)
SK used to roll back in 2k2 :)))
i cant understand how u aim there, i mean ... the trackin is so different.
CS is not about tracking but pointing
control the recoil -> win
IEM kiev this weekend
what do you want to know?

get on it boyo
good games
following it rather actively again due to my work
what work are u doing? :o
being editor in chief at wf:P
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