
1vs7 fucking fags rly.

I hope they get raped in prison.
Chinese kid had so many opportunities to kick back and he does not do anything, dissapointing.
im sure u would kick back everytime
I would atleast try to land a few hits, and then run if possible. No use in just lying on the ground and making it easy for them. I'm no hero, nor am i particularly strong but just doing nothing when you're getting beat up?
well I was at situation when 10 guys were kicking my head etc, I was at hospital cause of that, and believe me, kicking back was the last thing I thought about
QuoteNo use in just lying on the ground

its pretty damm good way to try to be safe and defend hits.

why would u try to kick/hit em? they will just get more angry and will beat u up even more, nothing u can do but a lay low and try to defend as much u can the importand spots
i heard u can cover your entire body with one of your arms
are you stupid or what :D?
You're turkish so I understand you know more about ganging up with a bunch of your buddies and assaulting an innocent person. But for those not so knowledgeable, such as myself, please do explain why I am stupid with that reply.
image: fluild_pressure-column

hope it helps
Don't want to be hatin'

But when you're being attacked/punched etc.
The moment you punch/hit back you're no longer insured.

Meaning afterwards when it comes out the insurance company won't pay for your hospital/doctor bills
Okay, good to know. But that would be the last thing I'd be thinking of at that time :D
It's logical I know and I probably would defend myself as well if possible

But I'm just saying (parents are insurance agents so I know ^^)
why bother? they would beat him up even more
I'm not saying he should stay there and fight back the whole time, but if it was me in that situation I'd atleast try to punch a few guys and see if I could break through them and then run away.
sad thing is they cant drop him off with 7 guy with all those punches
In such a situation there are only two endings:

Either you manage to run away (seems quiet impossible in a 1 vs 7)
Or you get fucked anyway..

So as I will be messed up at the end anyway, why not using the opportunities to at least punch a few hits back.. Maybe this will even scare them a bit (if you do some nice hits and manage to stay on your feed).

Well that's what they told me once in Krav Maga.. if so many guys are going for you, your best chances are running away or doing some nice hits so that they get scared a bit and no one of them wants to be the "first" one that jumps at you. And if you don't scare them you will be fucked up anyway.
I can see 3rd ending aswell, you're punching them back and this will make them even more angry so they beat u up even worse. if u wont do it, they'll be finally bored and leave u. it all depends on the bullies i guess
I've seen more than enough clips of people getting beat up really badly even if they just lie down and roll themselves up. Some gangs may be bored after landing a few kicks, some fucktards keep jumping on someone's head until he does not move anymore (like here:

There's just no predicting what will happen and in general it would be safer to try to punch em back, make them hesitate for a second and use that second to run away.
in case u're the fastest runner ;P

but yea, running is the best idea in such matter, so here we have a conclusion, instead of krav maga's and shit like that u should train running ;D
i got chocked with that video fo real :X
Really disturbing video
When I started to watch it it looked for me like he will end up dead anyway.. have seen enough of such videos.. pretty much every 2 weeks/month there is a new one where 5+ guys punch one guy to death.

That guy was in some random location without any help/chance of help.. From my feeling this is a location which you only leave in such a situation by ambulance or even dead? :S In a school or on the "playgrounds" or similiar I wouldn't be that much scared of getting beaten to death.
QuoteSo as I will be messed up at the end anyway, why not using the opportunities to at least punch a few hits back.. Maybe this will even scare them a bit (if you do some nice hits and manage to stay on your feed)

Cause he is no chuck norris and doesnt know how to fight having 0 chance to "scare" them off? trying to punch em back is going to result only the attackers to be more pissed off :l

QuoteWell that's what they told me once in Krav Maga.

Prolly cause once u learn to fight properly u might even have a small chance to take down 7 guys by urself
Don't want to be hatin'

But when you're being attacked/punched etc.
The moment you punch/hit back you're no longer insured.

Meaning afterwards when it comes out the insurance company won't pay for your hospital/doctor bills
didn't know that :o actually fucking stupid.
unless you got actual witnesses (so like true outsiders, not friends or relatives etc) who are willing to testify that the attackers started it, they won't pay

Otherwise it's just word vs word = own expenses
word vs word = own expenses?
so what if all these 7 say this guy started to punch everyone and then they fucked him up?
then they would admit they punched him too?? Meaning they would have to pay for their own expenses....

Insurance companies don't care who started the fight, they just look who was doing the punches
Bleh, try to get jumped by several guys and afterwards come to share your experience.
Been walking home alone every time I go out here in Dublin, never been jumped though. Guess I'm too big for them knackers.
Respect mah authority!
fucking kids....
chickens really.... how lame they can be for doing some shit... you guys are real gangsters... shitkids...
I can't watch this.. I'm getting so fucking angry watching someone getting beaten up..
ill buy all your plane tickets so we can give those 7 guys a visit. /pm
I would've beaten the crap out of them serisouly... fucking morons.
Never ceases to amaze me how fucking retarded people can be...
real gangsters! it's sad :E
D: unfortunately you still can see a lot like this out there and even worse
James Ward Elementary School 2701 South Shields Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60616 Phone: 773-534-9050 Fax: 773-534-9044. Prinicpal: Karen Anderson [email protected].

Todd Ramos-grey/black hoodie

Ray Long-white boy, no mask

Wesley Wu-grey hoodie, the main guy who kept hitting him

Easley Wu-puffy jacket with fur hood/striped adidas pants

Johnny Li-blue hoodie/blue snap back on

Danny Hui-dressed in all black/northface jacket.

COPY AND PASTE THIS EVERYWHERE!!! these fucks deserve to be killed!
these shit 60kg skinny fag gangstas lol
I always carry a knife with me. Thou im so fat that little men like those would never dare to attack me.
Long Sword mukaan ni siit saa sit Madredsit ja voi itte alkaa gankkii

esim. Shacolla.
kotoon jo? oon skoles viä hetke. tos 18.10 redi.
ircci ei toimi
Thought it woud be something about stray again :(

son, im disappointed
you gonna be disappointed again
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