if the earth was 10 ft closer to the sun we would all burn up and if it was 10 ft further we would freeze to death... discuss
FACT! No it wouldn't.
bad troll
the distance between earth and the sun varies by 5 million km, depending on its position in the orbit. 5,000,000 km > 10 ft
Bad troll, in church I learned that earth is the center of the galaxy
its actually right in the centre of the universe (no troll :D)
But the universe is spreading out right? will it stay in the centere?
yes, because the centre of the universe is everywhere :D, its expanding in every direction in every point #mindfuck
dont think you can speak of a centre when everything is included, can you? :D
indeed, i think it would be more correct if i said the centre is nowhere (edgeless negatively curved space and whatnot) but i was already going with the centre theme :XD, which isnt too wrong, considering the big bang took place in every point of space
QuoteAccording to modern theories of the universe, it has no center.

I disagree that we're right in the center of the universe. Sure we're quite near the middle when vaguely talking about the center of the universe.
why do you say that we should be near the middle? were even nowhere near the biggest known supercluster. You can see 13billion+ years old galaxies in any direction.

Universe would have a defined centre, if the big bang was an explosion in a location of space, but it was an explosion OF space. Its like in its own little bubble, you cant reach the edge because its curved itself. An analogy is going around on earth: you keep walking on the basically 2dimensional ground without reaching an edge, because the ground is like wrapped around a 3dimensional sphere, the planet. the same could be if the universe (3dimensional :p) is wrapped around a 4dimensional hypersphere, which isnt the case since the universe is actually negatively curved.

We ARE exactly in the middle of the observable universe though, but thats purely observer-based.

Dont quote me on any of this though, im still only a low- physics student :D (who should be studying for an exam right now)
you argumentation seems legit to me

image: seems-legit
hey, at least it isn't quantum mechanics, where a single electron can go through two separate parallel holes at the same time, but only when you're not looking
yeah i read about that stuff, super interesting but unforutunately i am not able to understand everything of such things
careful, don't fall of the edge!
yes, great that you noticed it. The earth is flat aswell.
I read it on the internet so it must be true.
what the fuck is ten feet ??
3.04800 meters
>implying im not totally boozed rigth now
Need picture of the guy on a 10 ft ladder burning up
needs to be at the sea level aswell!
are you american or canadian to say ten feet

[e] holy shit you are
HaveNoMana = No Mana = No MP = NO Mind Points

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