GamesTV Results

Is it possible to add the results on that big list when you click on View entire Schedule ?

Like this:
image: o7jpnwjc
(random results)

Cuz its pretty annoying to click through every game to see the result and on the right side of the mainpage there is only a small box with only a few results.

What do you think about this feature? Shouldnt be too hard to add imo..

image: fwv8yew3
image: pxgiqjzd
I agree with Razzahbro on this!
u really like norwegian girls dont u razzah
i gotta visit u soon
lol I was just about to ask where you get your randomchicks from. I have just googled "randomchick".. .brb 5 mins
Also agree with first statement about GTV results
its no big secret,, and a few tumblr blogs ;)
Great chicks!
ohh thx razzah mate
bsturz 4:0 survive :)
agree with you RazZaH
yes wud be better indeed
4-2 heroes
I got boner now
Quoteand on the right side of the mainpage there is only a small box with only a few results

you can set it so that the site shows 15 games + scores (My Settings > Display Settings > Recent Events), is that not enough for you? :D
didnt know this feature tbh

but would be still nice to use that resultfeature for the games which were 2 weeks ago
actually a really good idea
turks used brain = win
I like it!
make it happen!
use gtv support/forum =)
DAT randompic :DD
Manto cool clan, doesn't afraid of anything.
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