stupid winter

seriously, can't wait for fucking spring. this winter is so annoying, cloudy days. can't do shit, always fucking cold, dark at 4:00 pm, it's wet everywhere. bitches wear jackets up to their throat and boots up to their ass. it's always something droping from the sky, people are always in a bad mood, everyone is so lazy and useless. horrible

and when spring comes it's so awesome. sunny mornings, dry land, pub terraces open, bitches get nude again, u can hang outside cause temperatures become normal.

atm starring through my room window, unwilling to do shit, at the shitty sky and thinking where to go out tonight and how spring will be awesome.

wat u doiN?


stupid indeed, no snow so far, except for 2 days in october or november, and it wasn't even winter back then -_-
indeed, only 1 day snow here, every fucking day its raining, its so annoying, i cant go out on weekends because its so cold and the fucking rain... but well because of this weather i can study more for my final exams on monday :DD
nuthin is better than fresh weather and -15 to be outside

now spring on the other hand is pretty damn horrible and fits to all your winter whinings
stop bitching. winter is awesome.
I agree.

Edit: Only good thing, hunting season :_D
fuck you, winter is the best one!
... så du kan sitta inne och spela
nej åka skidor! fast denna vintern suger ju :Z ska vara typ 2m snö :D
okej vi säger så ;), men jag vintern e najs med snö när man kan åka bräda! :D:D men jag föredrar sommarn!
Quote bitches wear jackets up to their throat and boots up to their ass

Lots of snow here, personally I enjoy the winter especially at colder temperatures when people bitch about it :) No better feeling than strolling the streets with the cold weather cooling your head and making you feel good :)
I'm almost naked in my room with windows open, it's not really cold here.
you just weak.
Oh yeah man.. I'm soooo looking forward to the '12-24' at the Bois de la Cambre where it's hot outside.. Beers, sun, no class (or skipped), friends. What else?
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