eXile Speedcup, go signup now!

Cup starts today 20.00 CET
Already 22[/u] players signed-up!
32 players max.
Feel free to sign-up. If over 32 players there is still chance some one will fail to check-in.

Main prize:
-Place in Hall Of Fame (glorious, isn't it?)

All players remember to check-in before cup starts[/u] otherwise you won't play.

Sign-up: http://exilecup.tourney.cc/sign-ups/
More info: http://exilecup.tourney.cc/

Idle & check-in 19.45: #exile.et[/u] @ quakenet

If you don't have your own servers, we can provide our own (it's only one, but still) with 'speedrun' cfg.

e: Thanks to SIMOON for server cfg.

For more info pm me on irc: /q sonNy
good cup and good admins !
bad cup and bad admins !
fuck off fake polaks.

make up your own clanname
never heard 'bout other exile ;x, maybe im too much newschool!
-At least one player from each team must idle in #exile.et
jeszcze bym wygral ...
fuck this, cup section says 20:00-20:28 now im kicked spierdalaj srsly
did u checked' in?
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