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fuck u xbox
20 Jan 2012, 15:02
my xbox wont read any disks, no redlight or anything, done all the solutions on the xbox site, and still nothing, aint got warranty anymore and I know dickall about xboxs, just want blow some shit up man
any ideas!?
also considering taking it apart and cleaning it but thats a last resort
any ideas!?
also considering taking it apart and cleaning it but thats a last resort
tried a cleaningdisk?
nope but il look into it now
Yea I'd try it for sure, just the disk with those brushes used for dvd players mostly, worth giving a go
that would imply all of his disks being damaged since he mentioned it wont read any disks
or the laser thingie that reads it is a bit dirty and this disk cleans it?
i am certainly no expert, but how would a cleaned disk magically also clean the laser?
he means a lens cleaner disc... - http://www.amazon.com/Maxell-DVD-LC-Lens-Cleaner-Blue/dp/B00000JPPI
indeed :)
Had the same problem with my sons last year, just after the 12 month warranty expired, tried cleaning ect but ended up having to have a new Laser fitted, cost me around £60.00 fitted at the time :) - http://forum.blu-ray.com/blu-ray-games-playstation-3/70948-un-official-ps3-laser-replacement-manual-video.html
You're so shit the admin just out you out of your misery.
go to that you bought it shop and demand a new one?
maybe your lens died :) try replacing it :)