Batlefield 3

is this game worth of buy? what about competitive scene?
the best game after ET
you have to use xbox controller to play in competitive matches, as per MGL rules
not at all lol
just played battlefield to fly with the jets tbh
No, not at all.
Been playing pub for a few months now. Started to play 4on4 squad rush competitive matches last night and it works well. Not sure about 8on8's yet though!

I would rate pub play 10/10 and comp play 9/10 (on first glance ofc)

Deffo worth getting if you are sick of playing supply!
saw your post on the forums looking for players rofl, how did the game go?
Played 3 scrims last night and won all 3 (against mixes in fairness) Was good fun!
doesnt sound too bad, might have to talk these polish fucks i play with into trying it out
Still needs some work, but pretty good nonetheless.
patches have ironed it out fairly well but it still needs a bit of work, origin also changed their eula

it is worth buying, it's an enjoyable game once you figure the maps out
playing metro only is win. I've no clue of the other maps (except for bazar)
metro is fucking awesome, helps if you want to upgrade and shit quickly
Jak sie jest lou w et to pora przejsc na bf3 :D, a bf3 jest chujowe wedlug mnie no ale to kwestia gustu
battlefield has been and will always be a series for large scale public fighting.
its an awesome game, dont get me wrong but dont expect any competetive play from it.
Great game :) so fun to cruise around with a friends in a car while on skype, got chased by a helicopter. Feel like Ethan Hunt sometimes man
If your pc can handle high/ultra graphism, just buy it it's really worth it.
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