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Amnesia the dark descent

image: Amnesia-The-Dark-Descent-Cover-Art

9.5 by

In Russia this Horror game play with you :P

For real, this game gave me a heart attack once or twice lol.. Haven't finished the game. I'm in the middle of it and sometimes I just have to quit the game to get back to my senses :P

So, just a tip for you guys ^^


e: just watch the trailer and you know what I mean :P

e: and if you want to watch something completely funny xD this video is a compilation of people playin it :P laughed my ass off XD

this post is so awkward after all those stream posts:D

where the fuck do you come from?
I really don't understand what you mean..

Try it in dutch
no thx dont want bad dreams
watch the second vid, awesome xD
Ati posted some video of it i think :p

Gameplay seems uber shit tho
just watch second vid :P, I think if you play this with a bunch of friends you'll love this game :P or just alone at night... ... ..
One of the most entertaining games I've ever played.
Just watch the second vid guys it's freakyin hilarious xD
really scary game, in the middle i decided i wont play this shit anymore :D
What is the main goal of this game, and what do you need to do to achieve it
To discover the truth. Run and hide
played it, shat my pants, quit the game.
totally worth it tho! an awesome game
ik heb dit spel gestreamed helemaal uitgespeeld
you can lean must be a great game
Sadly I cannot afford to go out this weekend. I am going to be playing this all tomorrow night.

E: If anyone else would like to play this with me whilst chilling (and screaming/crying on TS) then be my guest!

I shall look forward to it :)
Nothing worse than when my flatmates turn the power off because they can't sleep through me squealing.
Finished this game a while back and it was epic, I remember the freaking storage room where you had to get those rods for the elevator or something, I almost shat my pants when the grunt started chasing me all over the place. Had to take a break and smoke a cigarette with trembling hands afterwards :p
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