Na, biste mad?

you fags back form teh party, party hard lots of fucking cocaine, i can't sniff it nomore my nose is like 1shot1kill so yeah, fucked 3 bitches this night felt good, after that wen't with my homeboys to bar and partied there and then called taxi and went home

so basically:

2g of cocaine(only on me)
SHITLOADS of alcohol (fucking jack daniels russkiy standart jim fucking beam tequilas and shit goes on and on)
3 bitches today (well not that much, compared to successful weekends, but hey, 3 better than nothing)

how was your friday?

nerd much?
Woke up almost an hour ago ;l
i want to believe ":D"
are you really expecting me to believe this
Everything written on Crossfire is trustworthy
I idolize you man!
i fucked today 6 bitches + smoked over 30g of weed!
went to sleep at midnight, then a friend called, went out and we smoked some weed and he also took a tequila bottle. Came back an hour ago, can't sleep at all. Hard day going on today
Like a Boss!
Shame on you if you are a white man typing that shit, "so yeah". The homeboys part really made me chuckle.
i played nba my player and smoked weed till i passed out
"SHITLOADS of alcohol (fucking jack daniels russkiy standart jim fucking beam tequilas and shit goes on and on)"

"fucked 3 bitches "

....master of boner?
your story reminds me of the good old days when,

NetherlandsTimbolina ,NetherlandsHunteR, BelgiummAus, and me travelled to Las Vegas for a bachelor party, staying at Caesars Palace.
when we woke up the next morning, NetherlandsTimbolina, NetherlandsHunteR and Netherlands i had no memory of the previous night and BelgiummAus was nowhere to be found. NetherlandsTimbolina was missing a tooth, our hotel suite was in disarray, a tiger was in our bathroom, and a baby was in the closet. we did found BelgiummAus his mattress impaled on a statue outside of the hotel and when we asked for our car, the valet delivered us a police cruiser.
Followed the clues to our steps, we travelled to a hospital where we discovered we were drugged with rohypnol, causing our memory loss, and that we came to the hospital from a chapel. At the chapel we learned that NetherlandsHunteR married a stripper, Jade, . And outside the chapel, we were attacked by gangsters saying that we are looking for someone. we fled and visited Jade NetherlandsHunteR his stripper, were we discoverd that she is the mother of the baby, at that point the police got in jade's house and we were being arrested.
they told that our car has been impounded, we were released when we volunteer to be targets for a taser demonstration.
we did that and got our car back while driving, we discovered a naked man in the trunk who attacks us and flees. NetherlandsTimbolina confesses that he drugged our drinks to ensure we had a good night, thinking that it was ecstacy.
when we returned to the villa, we found Mike Tyson, who orders us to return the tiger to his mansion immediately. NetherlandsTimbolina drugged the tiger with the remaining roofies and we drove towards Tyson's home, but the tiger attacked us and damages the car's interior. After pushing the car the rest of the way to avoid the tiger, Tyson shows us footage of us stealing the tiger to help them locate BelgiummAus. While driving, our car was struck by another vehicle intentionally; the passengers seemed to be the gangsters from the chapel and their boss, mister Chow – the naked man from our trunk – who accuses the us of stealing $80,000 of his money and kidnapping him. Chow says he has our "friend", threatening to kill him if his money is not returned. Unaware of the location of Chow's $80,000, me, with help from NetherlandsTimbolina and NetherlandsHunteR, used my knowledge of card counting to win $82,400 playing Blackjack. when we met with Chow and exchanged the money, only to find that "mAus" is the drug dealer who inadvertently sold NetherlandsTimbolina the roofies.
With the wedding of NetherlandsTimbolina in hours, I told Timbolina's ''wife'' we cannot find BelgiummAus. Followed by a conversation with "Black mAus", I realized where BelgiummAus is. we travelled back to our hotel where we found BelgiummAus on the roof,we moved him there on his mattress while he was asleep, Before leaving, NetherlandsHunteR makes arrangements to meet with Jade his stripper the following week to pursue a relationship. With less than four hours before the wedding and with no flights available, we race home, with mAus revealing he has possession of Chow's original $80,000. Despite their late arrival, Timbolina and his wife are married and NetherlandsHunteR breaks up with his girlfriend. As the reception ends, I found NetherlandsHunteR's digital camera detailing the events we cannot remember and the we agreed to look at the pictures together before deleting the evidence of our exploits.

good times, good times
Ye, that was awesome! We should do it again soon
yeahh i fucked sooo many gurls maaan and drunk soooo much alcohol maaaan and did so mucb cocaine maaaan
lol idi nahuj its so true!
I have to admit that your dick was nice
oh man you got such a great life, so jealous :SS
in reality
image: tumblr_lk2nar3aDD1qehv22o1_500
wow u so cool
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