What keeps you playing ET?

I was having a discussion with my ex-clanmate Finland Snatch about ET in general. One thing kept boggling our minds that was realizing that at least by reading Xfire, you get the picture that its the same faces that carry playing on, even on the serious level, year after year.

One of my theories is that these people keep playing because of the company. Its normal to bond strong ties with people you spend time almost daily. I have met many nice people in my journeys but after stopping playing, Im only talking to a few anymore. So after stopping playing, there's a chance that you are left with nothing in common, which usually kills slowly the relationship between friends. So occasionally playing mixwars or mashing offis on serious gaming level, you are keeping yourself socially occupied, which is a blessing especially if you are a loner and having problems with it.

This leads to a possible problem: having tight bonds, knowing each other well, new faces arent accepted easily to the crew. Only by knowing someone from the original gang, you have a chance to slide in. I have no idea but Id like to know how many high-level players there are who started this game 2008-2009?

For myself, it has always been the company. ET was always in its most relaxing form to me when you were bashing lowmed-enemies and having a nice discussion with your fellow-players in comms. That and shooting with MG in the public servers.

Song related

Not related but its the best Finnish band to me so what the hell: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcMsEGPOvmc
Because it's the only decent fps game.
about everyone left, even most of the nice and/or good opponents
Yeah - and that kind of reminds me of something silly. I sometimes miss some guys I have met through ET and I wonder what they are doing these days and thats one reason I quitted- there was no-one to play with. I guess its kind of a snowball rolling downhill - the more great people quit the game, the more will follow.

E: Lol that sounds so harshly like Im claiming to be a good guy (well I am) but Im too lazy to correct the sentence to better form, blaah.
nothing silly about it. did people call having "mail friends" stupid back in the days!?
and hey, i too had quite alot of fun with them, not only the playing, also some nice and totally unique(:P) conversations.
true, it's one after another leaving, and the more do, the more will follow.
True - I guess I could call the few people from ET, whom Im still in touch with, "mail-friends". :p
well, just an example ;)
see it this way - there's nothing wrong with people writing to strangers and call them sort of friends? well there surely isn't anything wrong about calling someone something like a friend if you had even more in common than written words... well e-friends anyway^^
I guess you got me wrong in some point because I agree with you (or then Im just misunderstanding something which isnt so unusual). I have made better friends in ET than with some in real life but I guess so have everyone else. After all they are all just normal people behind their computer screens.
nah, though as much. we have the same opinion on this one^^
and imo it all too depends on the time one does spend with someone. and that there was something one enjoys/enjoyed and in which someone else was interested in too, with quite alot dedication mostly too i assume.

well sometimes it's probably more than that - especially when it comes down to getting to know new people, which is fairly easy online for a few reasons:
e.g. you already know upfront at least a few things about the person and that this person is interested in a few similar things, so one can already skip the "do i really want to know this person" and actually get to know the person better

(no intention in making it sound a bit...awkward/romantic :o)

anyway, yes it's been more the people than the game itself, that kept me playing it for so many years. and at some point i got fed up with a) starting to find new people over and over again (stable and reliable ppl are hard to come by... these days anyway) and b) with too many obviously differentminded people (yes mostly younger persons)

though the fast gameplay was what first got me to stick with the game, and still was part that kept me play it for so long aswell.
that and maybe the challange when playing against better opponents (anyone who played with me knows it, and probably hates me a tiny bit for that xD)
Yeah meeting new people in ET was always exciting. To see if the guy was complete noob or maybe he was a hacker!
I know the reason.

The community mainly consists of young adults or teenagers, this alone gives you the answer.

When you think back to a memory or place as a child or teen, you think wow, those were awesome times... for example is cartoons, everyone here enjoyed cartoons as a kid. Some people will sit there and think WOW, Cow and Chicken was awesome, and so was Dexters Laboratory... and the reason they think like that is because of memory recognition, which links with emotion. When one thinks about a happy memory (whether it food or cartoons), it automatically make you feel happy and 'at rest'.

I know that people still remember in their head the awesome games they had with buddies, releasing Serotonin and Melatonin. Thinking about that conversation you remember clearly, automatically makes you release these hormones, therefore putting you in the position of feeling that again.

I had this, and I still think back to 2003-2006, the best years EVER in my life to me. Gaming was fun, no worries as a teenager, just come home and play with e-friends... happy memories... but sadly I don't feel happy about ET in my current life.

It's about feeling happy and happy memories. Even people who're bored with it will still play, purely because of past experience.

Same goes for kids of todays generation, they're exactly the same as you. Cold dark night, inside having a really good time with their mates. Doing glitches, having laughs etc... this will ALWAYS stick in their minds. Whenever they think of for example CoD they think HAPPY TIMES AFTER SCHOOL, WARM, RAINING OUTSIDE... they're no different from ET players, it's just a different game, same feelings.
i stopped
cause no other game can compete (rtcw)
bashing lowbies at ircgames and bams in ventrilo kinda made it.
Great mixgames of 2008
im not that good in other games as in ET ...

ET is simple ( i dont care about graphics ) ... teamplay+aim... i also play CSS but well ... 1 shot = enemy dead... theres not that much action as ET can give or allready had :)

and for me i mostly like the oldschool egoshooter like MoH or RTCW ;)
I'm just a nerd according to ross
In most games, the enemy just kills you with 1 shot really, in ET battles are longer and funner.
?? ce qu'on t'apprends à l'école, c'est pas ce que tu retrouve dans les rues tu sais :)
Hein, j'ai pas compris ton point :P

you didn't play 1o1 vs me yet
Mostly i just started missing et for some reason. Been kinda losing my motivation for some time now due to shit internet service provider, pings jumping between 50 and 900. Not very enjoyable to play with it. And ofc <3jack<3 has kept me playing too
Thanks for reminding me. Bad internet was one of the reasons I quit. (It got fixed later though)
funny how 1mb net never lagged, always stable 48 ping... And now that i finally got faster one (10mb) its been unstable since i got it which is around 3 months now i guess. ISP doesnt seem to do anything to it
Unique gameplay, competitiviness and company
Funny that so many people mention the gameplay because I dont think its a valid answer when asking "Why do you keep playing?" If the case is that there MUST BE something to play in the evenings, then its ok I guess. I still think ET has the best gameplay of all games I have played but it doesnt give me any urge to play it anymore.
the people I play with and I'm not really a fan of the newer games and ET simply is awesome
ET feels as one of the games out there which is "compleet".
New games are unfinished due releasing fast. Makers wanted too fast money?

So you have to accept to new games it will change all the time. Therefore it will be harder to see patterns and your playstyle needs to change a lot. There are just TOO much factors which can cause you a win. Another reason is that in ET 1 shot received = still alive. Meaning 1 lucky shot isn't finishing a duel. The longer a duel is, the more fun i have. I guess that's why WoW is aswell fun for some gamers or some other games that have long duel time (WoT). Games as cod4 are therefor boring because everyone plays the same pattern. In ET the pattern is every map/round different (oh wait supply isn't).
funny if you think et was never released as a "full / complete" game and mods made it playable and complete
yes, however the new games allow mods? You get sued if you touch anything of it because they are scared they miss some money they "earned" :D
doesnt cod4 has a promod made by modders?

or what games are you talking about sir :)?
BF3, WoT etc. The game makers take all the information nowadays so they can programm a "perfect" game for us, they want all the gamers and their money. Every person likes something else. They have to accept simply they can't have all. Tho they still try. A way to attract huge amounts of players to your game is to make it as simple as possible: cod-series ;D There is a wall standing on the road of these games, we will see how they will deal with it;)
true man, i bet if your med- on ET, you'd be the best on a random pub server in COD
when cod4 came out , we started to play2on2s with a friend , we had a straigth winning spree for 4months 10days on high skill level , never CB'd thou as we were only playing cod4 when random irc wars made us rage quit et : D
Tracking. I strangely find it awfully relaxing to track enemies left right and center.
am i not getting your sentence, or are you implying that you simply spray all over the place?^^
It feels good to track a target with a mouse. A friend asked me whilst travelling: Do you miss games?

I asked for a few hours to think about it, and then I said 'No, I miss tracking'.
Hah, same here
your eyes practise now a new direction!
You and tracking.. You are fooling no-one, mate.
now that you mention it..
ET is just a fun game. Clanwars or alone in the public, there's fun in it for anyone.

Competitivily I've always liked challenges of some sort of. Whether its been picking a rifle or totally making team out of nowhere i've done it. Probably have different reason for pretty much every team i've played in. Whats next? I dont know, feel like there's nothing new for me out there. Maybe ill not play for a while just to make a comeback few years later just to proof myself i can? haha i wish. Maybe i should test if highskill playing is possible with Slartilike-muscles, that should be unique enufff
Muistan vieläki ku sanoit että nostit 100kg penkistä ilman treeniä ja mua vitutti se. Vaikka oon 99% varma että trollasit niin voisitko sanoa tässä ääneen että se oli vitsi.

Sano. Se.
No comments.
I remember vieläki ku said that you picked up the 100kg bench without a workout and me vitutti it. Although'm 99% sure that trollasit so you could say this out loud that it was a joke.

Say. It.
well i stopped at one point because my computer broke, and it took me like 2/3 months until i had new parts...i hadnt been in a clan or so, so i quite "forgot" how much fun playing was

so basically when i wanted to start again i got trolled by low+ newschool fags so i quitted instantly again
...so today whenever im on the internet i spend the main time trollin some nerds
I stopped because we as a team didn't have the motivation to continue. Had a great time in this game though!
coz its simple and easy to learn! and fast!
actually its the hardest game to learn ive ever played... well maybe apart from mobas
l o l...

go and try quake ;S
nothing, /quit already, bf3 is fun :)
+ fucking 1
I feel im playing this game now because im forced to. After 2 wars i just get bored and i just wanna leave . ET feel like a "last-solution" game when im bored. maybe i played it too much? maybe i just changed as a person? and also, i really hate the fact that people always wanna play the same exact 5 maps. playing maps you never played in clan war is so much fun (at least for me).

i could elaborate more but ahh fuck this
tellement vrai à propos des maps
Every time we callvote map tc_base, we get the "Other or BB" :( I get your point...
I don't know, really.
Best mates are gone, people became skilled and everyone's trolling nowadays...
Feels strange sometimes.

Never managed to find a better or even equal game, maybe that's what keeps me playing this game.
Because I can find my way around in ET. Getting into something new would be too time consuming, and I'm just not that interested in gaming anymore that I need anything else besides ET.

ET is special (:
bigger chances to play with ET legends :d
u already played with stray...
because I love the game - the gameplay, the engine, ... everything about it :)

I piss on this game
Best game based on a mix of teamplay and aim. Graphics doesn't really matter cause the gameplay is actually the best i ever played with.
Also my first FPS game ever, like many others, can't quit it, too many memories about it.
shit was fun few years ago with tactics and big plays but after that i was like meh

+ doing 4hs on medics is awesome
I kept playing solely cause of the people I played with. Would've probably stopped in 2008 if I didn't start playing with hentai and Meez (fucking meez). From there I started going to United Kingdom noedel vent after Netherlands Azatej sent an introduction letter and we used to play ET mixes 24/7, which was fun and encouraged me to keep playing I guess.

Have to say I haven't really enjoyed playing ET as much since those times. Game gets pretty stale and of course I would have to invest more time to get back to an acceptable level - time I'd rather spend on other games and stuff.
Those mixes on delivery man, delicious!
Liar you play with a bunch of faggots all the time.

image: WoWScrnShot_050510_014828
Back int day ui.
not as good as yours back int day.
Ye I know this... image: pjInD
oh dear, what the fuck is this shit?!
Shukiiii as DISC PRIEST? You said that disco is bad!
That was back in the day when I couldn't heal hellfire ramparts as holy because of the mortal strike!
Cause i havent found a "decent cfg" :D
stopped playing active in 2008 because there wasnt any competition left, still playing public sometimes
I play this game because of SwedenfuchS, NetherlandsTESTI, GermanyfizZ and GermanyErcan, best guys i have ever met in et. I play with ercan and fizz et for 2 years now together :) best friends forever. And I am getting better and better from week to week thats why I still play this game :) and in few months i gona bash everyone^^
what shall i say with my retards friends from Germany AoW - Bl4d3, flopjehz,stownage,quarki,pzy-q.. and ofc humm3l and fireball , just having fun with those mates <3
y u nuh like Anonymous socks? :{D
GermanyrAKJI, but hes gone for now - so am I.
Like it more then CoD :-)
i play because smokeninja forces me to.
because e-buddies
i play this game because i don't
It's better than other MP Shooters.
I know the reason.

The community mainly consists of young adults or teenagers, this alone gives you the answer.

When you think back to a memory or place as a child or teen, you think wow, those were awesome times... for example is cartoons, everyone here enjoyed cartoons as a kid. Some people will sit there and think WOW, Cow and Chicken was awesome, and so was Dexters Laboratory... and the reason they think like that is because of memory recognition, which links with emotion. When one thinks about a happy memory (whether it food or cartoons), it automatically make you feel happy and 'at rest'.

I know that people still remember in their head the awesome games they had with buddies, releasing Serotonin and Melatonin. Thinking about that conversation you remember clearly, automatically makes you release these hormones, therefore putting you in the position of feeling that again.

I had this, and I still think back to 2003-2006, the best years EVER in my life to me. Gaming was fun, no worries as a teenager, just come home and play with e-friends... happy memories... but sadly I don't feel happy about ET in my current life.

It's about feeling happy and happy memories. Even people who're bored with it will still play, purely because of past experience.

Same goes for kids of todays generation, they're exactly the same as you. Cold dark night, inside having a really good time with their mates. Doing glitches, having laughs etc... this will ALWAYS stick in their minds. Whenever they think of for example CoD they think HAPPY TIMES AFTER SCHOOL, WARM, RAINING OUTSIDE... they're no different from ET players, it's just a different game, same feelings.
So it's basic nostalgia. =)
Exactly :). It's the only thing that makes me smile about ET, memories. If I think of ET now and the last game I had, it's like.... meh...
I dont play ET anymore :) For a long time now.
If it wasnt for all the mixes with deryn gav cracker flop mayday arny etc etc, i would have quit.
Good Buddies makes me play this game and enjoy this :)
Because of the constant feeling to improve :) also it's alot easier by the audience to "understand" ET core mechanics than it's to CS/CoD, you get banned alot more often in those games because of people crying cheats due to lack of true understanding of the gameplay...

Will keep on playing on the day until there's one public left even if it hurts my heart to know that this great gaming is about to end :'(
Even though I have all cods and other popular games for PC some reason I always come back to ET.

When you look at this game compared to cod I really do wonder wtf why am I playing this ugly game :S

I played RTCW from release when I was very young like 8 ? Me dad is a gamer to:P So he had RTCW and ET on release aswell.

Dont know what it is about ET but its just unique I guess although its ugly cant lie its still an awsome game.

you're right though I havent always played etpro but I must say since I have I noticed year by year the same people are the main people playing at higher levels its tough to join a group of lads who are at a higher skill level.
I don't want to spend money for games.
I also feel lost when I've never played a game and I don't want to waste time learning.
I'd like to add that there is a lot of kids on new games..

I start the computer, check my team's ts, if there is nobody I open irc and find a few guys to play. 5 minutes maximum before playing.
because i'm awesome
Used to be the people. As they quit playing, I got busier myself and found less time to play anyway.
the feeling when u kill somebody ingame
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