Arion - Internet Rebellion (Fuck S.O.P.A)



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Sup Seanza, how you doin'?
would actually mean something if the big artists would make something like this
typical faggot dubstep artist trying to get popular by using things like sopa to get more attention
don't think so tbh, but still i don't like the song
e: ok forget what i said
It's possible to say that about ANY artists talking about SOPA.
sorry but too many "dubstep" "artists" are imo just imitating one another. The quality of certain "dubstep" songs is laughable. Same for this one. These new artists don't know what dubstep is really about, or making music in general. I can't see any soul in these songs, just ppl finding tutorials on how to make these kind of songs and then just toy a bit with it. They'd spend some time on a song, and even release it as WIP (work in progress).

this song in particular is so typical. always the same build up with layers of bleeps etc and same midrange wobble which has been used like 1000x. it's more to me as noise instead of dubstep.

Dubstep was about the implosion, not the explosion. Meditating melodies and sub-bass on heavy soundsystems in dark rooms. I just feel that kind of dubstep way more.

But hey, who am i to say that, just my opinion. But i'm definitely not the only one.
Red Leader standing by
Just want to know how much time he spent on editing this video lol.
I believe this took about 6 1/2 hours.
Horrible, the guy doesnt even seem to know what hestalking about
fuck me, that's one of the worst things I've heard in a while
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