we got another torres

edit: n1 robin, that was something...

edit2: arsenal, y u no defend?
wut happened
lol mate, he missed a sitter, i think i could of scored that :D
blind person would score that :D
because he only made 18 goals in 21 matches so far, just like torres did
maybe because everyone is passing to him and he got like 15 chances in every match?

while torres often creates scoring situations for others
ye I agree, he's absolutely terrible player and should be a substitute in Leeds or something
you're such a retard, really
so now im gonna get bashed by random dutchies, who think van persie could be as efficent in any other top club in the world?
not just dutchies
rvp is actually 1 of the worlds top strikers :/
We can say he did a Torres, but he is not another Torres
Not exactly torres with his scoring form !
what you gonna say now affter he scored this nice goal :D
i blame rafael...
cause he can't run 50+ km/h?
cause he lost ball in stupid way, making opening for counter attack
What the fuck do you expect? He's a side defender, of course his touch's not perfect.

EDIT: Btw, reading your comments regarding this journal makes me wanna jump out of the window. Van Persie would fit in every single top club, he's the perfect forward player. He can pass, he can score, he's fast as hell. Name a club for me and tell me why he wouldn't fit.
man united - forever losers dont have a place in this club... and thats just example...

persie is like henry... awesome in arsenal, just decent in barcelona :<
his run up the field was totally worth going for. he's a bloody right back, you don't expect those types of players to have immaculate goal scoring abilties. yes he should of _probably_ dealt better with finishing the run but you can not blame rafael for the goal.
im not talking about scoring or not... but the way he lost ball was bad... he should either faul koscielny on purpose, or kick the ball out, just so he can comeback to his position...
yeah but he just scored a good goal so. LOL
robin van persie is arsenal's hero, every match he scores, I guess he could want any salary he wants, ofcourse a reasonable one. Hes got to decide everything:P
i guess arsenal is good at making players that shine only in arsenal... in any other team they are just decent
i think arsenal has achieved more than your entire country in football
Wrong, Arsenal fanboy. :)
Atleast they have actually won something :)
and i could compare estonia to man utd, but lets be honest... theres nothing to compare :X

dumbfucks are dumb
no need to compare estonia to manu because im not some kind of ego tard polak who flames teams which could beat every team in their league
where i flame arsenal?

they good, but also very hilarious :-)
calling one of the best scorers in the league torres is kinda flaming, because torres havent scored in like 20 games :D and calling arsenal top players decent in every other team is kinda tardish also but okay, you didnt flame yes you are just stating the obvious facts which are 100% true
descent, right :DDDDDDDDDD
theres a differance between word decent and descent... try to check it up in a vocabulary
i know u nerd, it was a typo. And ur still wrong
i wonder how u can misstype a letter thats not even close to s or e on qwerty keyboard
cuz it sounds the same, not that it really matters tho
damn, missed both games, i should sleep less
first i was like wtf?
and then i saw sanha

Real Name: Pankracy
Age: 22 ( 17 April 1989 )
Flag: Poland
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