been a while eh

sup cf

havnt been on here for a while
just wondering how every1s doin n stuff
& what every1 is up to atm
i'm just doin some schoolwork
still working on losing some weight

image: iese

image: img-thing?

Well, in my case, they were gone after 40 seconds.
Still fat
ik begin jou te mogen
hey rubN :p
Still busy @ uni and got an appartement now ;)
You learnt to drive yet?
ye mate i took lessons & i can drive alone now
i such at it tho :DD gnna take a while before i do my exam
haha nice :P
Good luck :)
I'll speak to you on ts some day when i have time :p
Not much. Holidays till day 22 Feb because i don't need to attend to any exam (because i did well n stuff).
Gonna work some stuff around, like change my place, relax, pracc with team pt...
you look gay lol
you look fucking gay
ur face in the first pic is fucking amazing XDDD
as long as u're happy, I'm happy
Did u do some vacationjob?
From fat to gay.
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