Build quality of Roccat stuff?

Anyone got any experience with Roccat gear? Mainly focused on keyboards, but all experience is welcome.

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Logitech gaming gear are good
he did not asked for that
He pm'd me earlier 'bout this, shush if you don't know what I'm on about
sorry man, wist niet dat je kwaad ging worden :s
Niet kwaad hoor ^,^
How would any one know if he pm'd you earlier about this except for you ? TARD. Got nothing useful to say on the topic in question then just shush tfu.
I ain't even going to start with you, useless to discuss with brain damaged people.
hij heeft wel een puntje hoor!
Straks zeg je wss dat het maar een trolletje was en dat ik naar het uur moet kijken

ben net terug van men werk, cunt!
Ik ga der nu naartoe :D
They work fine as gaming gear, but they don't look as awesome as I'd like them to look. And since I only play ET / don't really need gaming gear for ET then I'd rather get a keyboard that looks awesome :P
lol I see :p
did not like the Roccat Kone at all, looks like some Fisher Price stuff + the driver was sucky.
never tried the keyboard but i heard its decent, but will never beat a logitech or razer one tho.

i am personnaly looking forward for the Corsair K90...
That may be the case, but I havent seen a keyboard from either of them that is as sexy as the Roccat ISKU :/
I have rocat Kone[+], Taito and Kulo :)
And your exp. with them? Do they break easy?
I have a Kone[+] aswell and I have to say that it is the best gaming mouse I've ever had...before I had a Razer Diamondback and 2 times a Logitech MX518 (which was also good and didn't ever break, but I needed a change and it didn't really "harmonize" with my hand).

I also have the 5.1 headset Roccat Kave, which didn't let me down up to now, it might squeeze your head a bit and the top of your head will hurt a bit after you had it on too long, but that's a matter of getting used to it, in my opinion. :p
Alright, thanks :)
No problem man. :)
Is it a Finnish company? All the product-names are on finnish at least.
I think its german, they probably thought Estonian is a cool ass language, but we'd better not rip it off so they went for the closest copy and boom.
Yea, could be. Would be awesome to see "Roccat Mängi" etc.
that bitch is hot man!
I have roccat sense (mousepad) since around one year, still in good shape.
i have kone+ maus but they would have already exchanged two times gg Roccat shit
What? You had to replace your mouse twice? Why?
1: scrollrad broken 2: broken cable^^
dont buy anything they make
How come? What troubles did you have with that brand?
Bought a headset, fell apart on day 1, threw it away. will never buy anything they make ever again.
I have Roccat Arvo (not using it anymore tho) for year and a half, cant say a bad word about it. Decent keyboard, good build quality and okish drivers.
I know it is off topic, but I really feel that it has to be said, Peeter is noob. :P :=3
It's totally understandable, you're angry and sad that I left you for godzillalilla. I can't help it if he's a better aimer than you.

Keyboards are pretty good tbh, I don't like the mice.
Keyboard? Wat is dat ? :d
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