- using Q (skill shot cage) is challenging
- timing your ulti well enough is challenging
- shielding the right hero on the right time is challenging
- easy farming (W, tormented soil)
Only the ult can be hard against good opponents I guess, just need to know when to pop it. The health, spellvamp, stun and shield just means you can get away more with small mistakes unlike with squishier AP carries imo. You're welcome to disagree! :p
ez, corki, teemo, urgot... old sivir (fuck this new super easy to rape with sivir, good ol' underpowered tower pushing sivir > all), xin, mundo, and old ryze (old old super nuke oh fuck he's level 6 everyone run for their lives ryze, not new lol im adapting to super late and tanky sustain meta because people too bad to position themselves thus giving everyone more armor, hp and magic res is the way to go! Though after months of failures of the incompetent we've decided to gief you amazing heals as well because heals is what everyone needs to make this game a lot more aggressive!)
understanding the game and how it works is all you need to know, there really.. is nothing to see. Same reason why AD soraka has great potential or janna even. Sona Q aura gives her about 20 AD, while spamming it every 3ish seconds for your triforce procs (every 2 seconds) and insane damage burst from her passive as is.... ?!?!? Not even mentioning the fact that she has a movement speed buff/armor mres buff and heal.. or... stun.
- using Q (skill shot cage) is challenging
- timing your ulti well enough is challenging
- shielding the right hero on the right time is challenging
- easy farming (W, tormented soil)
vs decent people, not quite.
just played shyv, was pretty fun
atm playing Sivir(/Tristana) nonstop
2. Rammus
3. Rammus
4. Alistar
5. Janna
really like Lee Sin and Irelia too :P
and yes, skins are mandatory.