et cfg clouds

How do u turn the clouds on?

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You can turn on the sky by r_fastsky 0
/r_fastsky 0
its not fastsky. It just turns the sky on, not the clouds :/
Guess if it is possible its only on some maps, as i dont think theres any other command for that apart from fastsky. U could put a bit of research into this website with all cvars of et/etpro:

If u wont find it there, i guess its only possible with the movie making cfg? idk, ask some movie making guys, they should give u some help i guess?
r_cloudson 1
some maps just dont have clouds man
Supply does, and I had them on. SUddenly they were gone and cant get them back :'<
supply doesnt have any clouds

edit: i guess you just had an extra .pk3 which added cloud textures to the regular sky texture. seems like you deleted or you downloaded another .pk3 which overwrites that one.
hmph :/ I didnt delete anything tho :o or download anything :o
no it doesn't, it are custom skins
Lol, random. gief them back!
cg_enableclouds "1"
I are filling in your inbox :P
its r_fastsky 0 mate... its the only cmd about it
Its not. Its not turning the clouds on.
depends on the weather
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