dunZy !11

Quote duNzy on 24/01/12, 17:47:30

u didnt do the same as i did u fag

OKAY HERE YOU GO. Beat this!

random babe:

image: 2hnc645j

random movie: Sherlock Holmes 2 was impressive

random pic:
image: inn5avef

random gif:
image: nvg85dby

random food (my breakfast from last week):
image: 8t794jun

random energy drink:
image: effect-bottle

random alcohol (b52 shot. drank it on weekend):
image: 8748_732

random real life pic (with my flatmate):
image: xd9iwkvl

explanation about sleep:

woke up at 12, went to mensa and then studied later some maths. now washing some clothes and chilling in front of laptop

+ i add a random BUTT for u

image: pgesoo68

waiting for your response dunzy (and others)
dunzy low

random babe:

image: y_2bc6af5a

random movie: The Thing (currently watching pretty nice)

random pic:

image: x_64bd5367

random gif:

image: KidThrowsCatinWater

random food:

image: francescana_112326_2

random energy drink:

image: red-bull

random alcohol:

image: Vikingfjord

random real life pic:

image: z_b7d06747

explanation about sleep:

woke up at 5 didnt do shit played hon, watching movie, want to eat, fuck.
nice socks bro
thanx brah ;D
still losing $$$ on poker? i'm probably gonna start again soon as my exams are over! maybe i'll go on partypoker to try it out
yeah i kinda stopped right now, playing more games than pokers

still around 30$ left there xD
gonna deposit $$$ in weekend cuz my bank is too far away atm (I study in Antwerp) and cba to go :D
good luck grinding dem tables :P
gonna be fun! I used to play 12 tables at a time but better start with 2/4 now after some time
hb dunzy mate wish you all the best for your entire life and much bitches alcohol and cocaine!
hb bf3 ownzer
' the fuck? :d
you posted a journal before with something about that you put your finger in your ass or smth, i made this for you :D but that journal got deleted, and today i stumbled upon the pic again
must've missed the reply as it got deleted :( most likely made by Finland mana when we were having a meeting like a month ago
nice pic!
haha enjoy bruv
lie to them some more. When you're drunk you easily reveal interesting facts about your private life. That journal had nothing to do with me.
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i fcking lowe that gif :DDDD going to try it on some noob at our school :DDDD
suçuk + eggs = win

miss some peynir in ur
razzah m8 how much do u charge for an hour? won't go beyond 60 euros, but no rubber.
sherlock holmes is actually the first movie i watched which made me so sleepy that i couldnt hold my eyes open...yes, it was boring.
your nick always reminds me of a nice tight vagina
thats the purpose behind it
well done mate
fake tits are fake.
i heard dunzy fuck hot supermodels every day + he do all drugs&alcohol
mad turk is mad
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