come on bois lets play gather

last gather was played a week ago, cmon lets bring it back to life, stop playing ur shitty pubs and come challange me if u dare


image: sexygirl
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sorry i dont speak portugueese
of course u dont

portuguese its not for pussys
whats ur definition of a pussy
the prime motivating factor in any (straight) males life
like oxygen, its only important if youre not getting any
lack thereof causing depression, anxiety, willingness to do any stupid stunt to get some, and a train of thought that focuses on little but the question of why you're the only one on the planet not getting any

when defining someone whos a wimp, its derived from the real word "Pusilanimous" which means weak, lacking courage, cowardly

the second one
pub > gather
HoN > abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

QuotePlaying gathers

QuotePlaying ET at all

[img]google image-search george costanza[img]
I love people like you who, after having quit ET, pretend playing ET is sad, highly similar to vilango.
+1, biggest idiots ever.. should be banned from CF imo. only ruining the community of ET.
Its so hard to resist guaranteed replies. Sorry.

image: 131129619116
The sad thing is you never get replies to this since it's old. :)
Except I get them all the time and thats the beauty of it

Or well Im not so sure since I dont always check

My Inbox (474 new) Too lazy to open this box of pandora these days
here, have a reply :)
revee m8. how are u? havent seen u for along time :O
im great :D everything is going good atm :D urself? :D
nice to hear :-) things are also fine here, tho its exam time but no need to act crazy ^_^ maybe we can play some games et/lol again in the nearer future :P
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