Nationality in Online Games Tier

da pictaa

Do you agree? :DDDD
obviously not
Nowhere near accurate in any games I've played. Finland Looks about right though.
and the dutch and the english
obviously not

too many thridies up there
noobs forgot belgium :/
only one that seems to be right is Finland

(the notes, not the tier, before all you fintards jump on my ass)
no belgium?
we are included in the "dutch people" i guess :o
no gov no stats :/
on a un gouvernement espèce de merde :D
Ohhhh yeaaaa Holland yeaaaa
it just does not make sense LOL...

example: ABSOLUTE SHIT TIER, ++ incredible skilled,
GOD TIER, skilled...............
i cant belive crish brown beat up rihanna, bro. anything done by me. i think other ppl are just socially retarded. i just came all over her face while wanking
I thought that Finns always had the skill of teamwork??:(

UK so true!!!
Was just about to comment the same thing! Atleast in ET Finns are famous for being good in battery and radar for example which require a high amount of teamplay compared to maps like supply. Though perhaps things have changed as there aren't really any top Finnish teams left that would play a lot together and stuff to reach the level of teamplay teams like Negative-Image and SKIT-EVIL had.
I like the idea! :)
What they say about Holland is true though.
seems they love french progamers :D
Best gaming nationality Estonia has been forgotten, shit picture, right about Fin,NL and some UK guys only.
Romanians are not hackers!
ever played free MMORPG's?
Scotland perfect english, exellent accents?
I don't think of people in terms of their nationality, but guess I'm alone in that.
Except for finnish guys all having the same voice, that one is just a fact.
online gaming racism
My country isn't even on there :/
Just funny that the small country of Iceland made it on the list and also if you look @ for ex. Jeztor then retarded is right...
Most of the romanians have a decent english skill. Also at FIFA and other games they are very skilled. We as romanians don't usually cheat(like in every nation there are some who do).
Also where is Poland ?

You should check this:
this text is a bunch of bullcrap
I know. but is better writen thean this stuff here
Most of the romanians steal copper and resell it, just to get few money, they can't talk english and live in caravans, they aren't hacking they just scam the people whenever they can.

But yeah they forgot Poland !
Actually the those who steal are gipsys. 3.3% of the persons living in Romania are gipsys and most of them are abroad doing what you said above. Most of the romanians are working honestly. Inform yourself better next time.
Also I've been to Poland. I bet you didnt. They are hard working persons and they are like romanians, hospitable and warm. What I wanted to say was that Polish use hacks more the romanians do.
Go educate yourself, you people claim to be civilised when your english sucks(not that mine is perfect, but at least I can spell it right). Ask someone who really spent time with romanians how we really are. Plus its not my fault romanians take your jobs, they work harder. Go to school, educate yourself and you wont have problems like that. Beside, tell me how stupid france gov. can be to pay gipsys 400 euros to come back to Romania?
Also you forgot to mention the romanian Doctors, Engineers, Architects etc who work in France, or maybe if they are Doctors etc they can't be romanians?
image: Meanwhile+in+Romania

Dude, I couldn't care less about romanians, neither i do about gipsys, most of them are in Paris trying to steal people's wallet

But fuck yeah, hanging around and doing fuck all is what you call hard working huh ":D"

Aren't you self centred ? Now about our schools, did you really thought that we learn anything about your shitty country, i'm sorry but nah.

About polaks, frogs brought them over here to send them inside coal's mine.They are definitely hard workers but not as hospitable as you said ! If you want some proofs just look how polish people act in here rofl

And last things from my own experience, players from romania can't talk english AT ALL, they are lagging and when they play mmos they are scamming others !
Aight there is always some exceptions ofc :-)

PS : As if Doctors, Engineers, Architects in france were only comming from .RO
image: tumblr_ldc9b7sjaj1qcjilu

Don't overestimate your country :D/d:D
At least we agree on one point: "neither i do about gipsys, most of them are in Paris trying to steal people's wallet". All i wanted to say is dont confuse gipsys with romanians.
And not learning in school about other countries is in my opinion a big minus for your country.
P.S. we both have our part of truth.
The only diference between our countries is that Poland and Romania were under 40 years occupy by USSR and you didnt.
those are gipsys, like *khm* Hungaryvaradi :D
i was always wondering smth, since hungary is right next to romania, aren't you like invaded by gipsys ?
the guy who wrote at clanbase

is irish

i rest my case
QuoteSo when your going up against a clan on CB and you see there flag what do you think?


Where the fuck is SlovakiaSlovakia?
3rd world countries not included
slovenia is so good that it's also not included!
nope, 3rd world country
That's probably why actual professional gamers (that I know of), are infact English, whether it British or American, they're English, not Finnish or Turkeybobblit.

I know of a lot of good UK players, you just don't hear about them on Crossfire. There is a gaming community outside of ET you know.
only God tier = Korea, Republic of
only in solo games :(
i was searching belgium somewhere in the shit tier but no belgium :) im dissapoint
so wrong
QuotePhilippines not included

no internet there
you obviously don't have the updated /v/ charts..
no Poland or im blind?
In a perfect world...
so it was only a dream ? :<
So wrong, there are no tiers above absolute shit tier.
Agree mostly on England and NL
Portugal and all spanish speaking countries are complete idiots in every aspect of life
lol so true italy :DDDDDD amazing pic
yes I agree fully with Norway
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