bday dinner for my mother :)


just want to share some pics with all the nice cf mother turned 4X and i made her a small gift - a nice dinner for the family&friends. everything shown on the pictures is home made and it took me round about 6 hours preparing before the actual dinner started...

some things are missing on the pictures..we had champagne and some salmon + toast + caviar for the aperitif, pic 1 the table ;p, then pic 2 = tuna (with courgettes, ginger, coriander, cucumber and nori sheet), pic 3 = a "three hour egg" with some cauliflower and truffle, pic 4 = monkfish with peas and snow peas, and as maincourse on pic 5= veal with gravy and a lot of vegetables + potato bowls :)

image: ihm5-7-8f14

image: ihm5-b-6512

image: ihm5-8-c9f0

image: ihm5-9-45c4

image: ihm5-a-d3d9

take your time and prepare some nice food ;) mc donalds and kfc is not your future ;PP
someone lost his head how is it possible??
it is my brother and he looks far better than the average cf user...and i cant hand out his mobile number to new fans ;)
thats probably the worst comeback you could take on this
i am 24...gimme your prediction if your first answer is correct i will let you know ;DD
I don't care bro :P
what a good son you are man :D
omg a ghost
Finally some decent food showing up in the Journals. Thanks for posting!
bday dinev for my mother :)
really nice job!

but as nice as this all looks and all the work which has been put in cooking and presenting the meal.... u wont get filled from such tiny "gourmet" doses(?).
tho seeing this tuna and beef makes me very very very jelly :((((((
well i had some chocolate and mango for dessert and all the people have had enough ;)
das letzte bild gefällt mit nur vom anrichten her nicht aber sonst schauts gut aus :)
Niceone, made quite an effort here. Good ingredients and nice presentation.

Personally I got another understanding of "lot of vegetables" but still nice :-D

Brb, gonna cook me some lean pork and broccoli :-((
low quantity bro
well done! costs? :P
well my parents got a hotel& i bought all the stuff on the "central market" großmarkt...and some stuff with other meat/fish for our restaurant...have to chec at end of month
lucky you! must be nice to have an own restaurant!
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