ACTA signed tomorrow

so i herd this is gnna get signed tomorrow by the EU


sign & share plz

also, i dont give a shit if its been posted already just stop it
oh noez internets going down
i sign it
all the petitions against acta are made by the government to trick us so they know who's a rebel
are u a pussy
to be hidin ?
either face them like a man and most probably die young
or go to ur litlle crying corner and live miserably for ever
When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.*Chief Aupumut, Mohican. 1725*
what's the point of signing a petition that doesn't help if my first comment was true, might as well hack em like anonymous did instead !
I'm sorry to say that but this is really stupid argument... :D
hahaha, such a badass comment. :DD do you often surprise yourself with your own stupidity? :D
it would be stupidity if i wouldnt be rational about reality

its a mixture of real facts+exageration+abuse of descriptitivity+trollin+a big amount of care
>be a badass online

>rational about reality

it will end you know

badassing online will be a memory after ACTA/SOPA/PIPA
It's only us who know what there can and will be that what all others are ignoring.
we are fucked
i blame anonymous
knowledge is free and for everyone

so fu
it's what they get for attacking government sites
ye that must be why eh..
governments attacked us first
so anonymous always mean well with the things they do?

1 site gets shutdown, they attack several
You don't get the whole picture, do you ? :D Megaupload was just a trigger, it's all about SOPA, PIPA and ACTA. Fighting piracy, and global terrorism (as was mentioned in one of the news) is bullshit. In fact goverment want to get back in control, monitoring what we send to the Internet, what we download, what software we use, what we are posting and so on.

Anonymous took some serious steps to make a fuzz about whole thing, to show that case globally. At first most people were like "Oh they are overreacting, people won't let goverment do such things! Nothing will be signed! No worries" - today we have to face it, it's too late. Megaupload is dead, just like fileshare and few others (at least you can't share files so easily now).

Well, you know what they say, Internet is some serious buisness! :D
they've been trying to censor the internet for quite some time now, it was only a matter of time until something along the lines of sopa/pipa/acta passed

just so you know i don't support it
Well, we all are aware of the fact that it was planned long time ago, but people always react at the very end. Plus it was created behind our backs, just like Anonymous + WikiLeaks revealed.
which i will admit was a good thing to do by anonymous and wikileaks, because it's allowed people to sign petitions and quite a few of them are getting plenty of attention

on the other hand after the kind of uprising it might be worrying some governments, making them think they do have to agree to pass such things
its not about megaupload site -.- its about countries trying to do things behind peoples backs and thats just not right
nobody cares about a few kids ddosing, you are stupid to blame them for anything
a person is entitled to their opinion, if nobody cared about the shit they did, people wouldn't of stood down from sopa

which clearly shows they do have an impact on things, my opinion is i think they had something to do with it
obama didn't agree with it, so they threw it out the window :P "limits free speech blabla"
true but some people did stand down after the anonymous attacks :P

the countries agreeing to acta fail to see how the same argument could be applied here too
usa are much more hyped up about free speech, whereas uk/eu is completely different :d can go to prison for things you say/write (like the internet troll who was insulting kids who comitted suicide in the uk, went to court and shiz)
yeah i saw that, through fb or some shit?

cameron is rambling on about human rights to the eu though afaik, surely he has to involve personal privacy in the speech
Coomon misconception about the definition of free speech. Free speec does not mean that you can say absolutely anything that you want, it means that you can say what you want within the confines of the law, for example, inciting hatred, racism, homophobia, and sexism are all illegal. Obviously you can use words to incite all of these things.
acta is shit, century of surveillance EVERYONE is coming
You would be naive to think that anon haven't been heavily infiltrated by the cia,mossad,mi6 etc. Problem-Reaction-Solution. David Icke was right, sadly :(
but we still could write whatever we want in the internet without any consequenseces...
what is acta ?
Wondering why this isn't discussed in public at any level, atleast in our media :|
Those who control the Governments control the media. They aren't going to bring it in under a fanfare media frenzy as they know people wont have it. Watch the man behind the curtain.
Multinationals lobbying hard it seems. Protecting media property such as movies or music against counterfeiting is one thing, controlling the medicinal market on the other hand ...

1984's about to become our reality

signed it
damn, we are not gonna finish this NC ;/
image: actap
Selfmade :3
what can we do?!
Never give up!
najlepsze ze 90% protestujacych wie chuja o ACTA :D polecam artykul Rawicza na temat tego i komentarze w nim -

czyli w skrocie - providerzy internetu maja przejebane w tym momencie bo musza w sprzety dyski czy inne chuje muje zainwestowac, bo jak beda sprawdzac kto co sciaga? :D
no tak, mi to cale acta wisi szczerze mowiac.

tylko nie podoba mi sie jak ktos mowi ze jest ZA zle argumentujac ("polaki biedaki kupicie sobie legalne plyty tylko mniej piwska i wódy chlac" z takim najlepszym argumentem sie spotkalem :D)
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