broken hdd + bonus clip

it seems I can't access my HDD from my old PC (1TB with 600gb of files on it), had a lot of shit being made but I guess it's like 95% sure that I lost it all. fragtext of oldschool movie i was attempting to make before my pc broke


first minute of my fragmovie that won't ever be released _i guess_ (just wanted to see a smooth test, didn't edit colours & such it was just gonna be a movie of myself running around fragging)

in the hope that I somehow recover shit, I guess I would finish my own movie in a week's time, the other one would take much more effort but yeah I'm pretty much assuming they're lost forever so I won't put in effort like paying for file recovery, that shit is expensive! :dd

buuut if anyone ever had an issue when they plug in an extra HDD, startup is stuck loading on "starting windows" (win7 btw) and found a solution for that, let me know, already tried plugging in with some usb connector thing but it just doesn't allow me to open it or even see it in "My Computer" (can see in BIOS though).

thanks! :£
The curse of the moviemaker strikes again.
at least i still have my ingame cfg!! :3
u can try to recovery using an appliation that i forgot the name.
supposedly it will remove all filenames though.. 600gb of stuff I'd never sort out :D
most of the time it fails...i have to be honest last time i used it i recovered 2% of files and took a lot of time :P was 4 years ago maybe or 3.
when i had that problem i used a program named like: revovery disk for NTFS and i could grab all the files back
would be nice if you finish that movie
reupload that clip to youtube plox
almost guarentee you havent even initialised the disk yet :D broken hdd = cba making movie :p
a little swan told me if i do that it will rename all my files or ask for a format :d (basically will do a file recovery thing because it thinks my drive is damaged)
it will ask for format, just say no - shouldn't be an issue really ;) youve already given up it seems so if anything goes wrong no biggy right ^^
not cessenarily :( one day I could break my legs and spend all day underground and decide to fix my HDD and buy a mask like this:

I will be called the Phantom of the Broken HDD
My dick is not a little swan.
The downloading speed is "SIMPLY SENSATIONAL" 18.7 KB/sec.
im uploading to youtube, cancel if you want :P (65%)
Did you try a Linux livecd? Ubuntu for example.
quality wasnt very good, and I guess you didnt really try to edit it, did you?
Quoteit was just gonna be a movie of myself running around fragging

you're the first who said the quality wasn't good, did you watch it on 720p?
ah k, didnt read the entire text there, hoped to see some editing :S

and well yeah, I ofc watched it on 720p, but seeing todays fragmovies, my expectation level on quality is quite high.. The quality is ok, but only average :/
are you talking about quality or colours? :p I can upload the file somewhere for you if you'd like, I can't accept hearing that :D the only thing i was proud about there was the quality!
Im talking about quality and color wise, seeing some nice colors but not that good quality makes it still decent imo :>
you know it's a stream on youtube right? :P impossible to get the same quality as download there.
If you didnt notice me with my Cf nick yet, Im GermanyGemb, I know that mm shizzle ;p
then you should know not to comment on quality when watching a stream :P
I can aproximate how it looks downloaded, thats why I commented :)
well don't because the quality is good, can get many guys who actually know what they're talking about e.g. agon to come and tell you it was good quality (maybe not requiem/psykotic standards but not anything below good)
Imo the quality was decent, I've seen many movies that had better quality tho (e.g. Psykotic, requiem, polarsoul, cymky - suffering etc.), and as there are tutorials out there on how to get a quality compareable to the movies I named, I listed it as just decent..

e: if you have seen Defrag 2011 you should know that Im a guy who knows how to achieve a good quality level :)
it's not the point, you of all people, someone who probably put countless hours into moviemaking should know that quality can never be judged from a stream.
I put countless hours into judging quality from streams :)
ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding
its good, don't get me wrong but it just feels like its missing a beginning and end.
you mean middle & end? :d
yep ;) btw, you still planning on making that oldskool fragmovie?
disable ACHI if you have it enabled

i noticed the same with old SATA drives, can't access them with ACHI enabled, disable it and it's working fine again
how do I do that? this is almost definitely the problem :D

e: achi or ahci?
AHCI, i'm sorry :D

In bios

can you explain me the situation? So these hard drives are from your (broken) new pc, and you want to put them in your old one? If these drives have been formatted on your new pc under AHCI, than you can't access them with a system that doesn't have AHCI.

Howto, this is the manual from my mobo, check page 51:
these 2 HDDs came from my last PC (really old one) - specs in my profile show my old PC. I took the 2 HDDs: Western Digital 160GB (C:), Samsung Spinpoint 1TB (Z:)
and traveled to my brothers house where he ordered my new computer, we built it over there, it's a really new PC, my mobo is the Asus Maximus IV Extreme and I guess these HDDs are kinda old so maybe you're right with the old SATA stuff.

I formatted C: because I needed to install win7 on it, that seems to work fine, on startup it says "no hard disks detected etcetc AHCI" but still it can work fine with my C: drive but as soon as I put my 2nd (1TB) drive in, it just won't start up but in BIOS it detects it. I do not want to format it because of all the files :D
Try this:

- First, if AHCI in your BIOS was enabled (in general, this is not drive specific) before you formatted / installed your Win7, than you are lucky tbh (enabeling AHCI after installing Windows will get things fucked up)
- So control your BIOS to check if AHCI is enabled or not, and try to remember if it was before you installed Win7 (could be if it's enabled by default on those new bling blind mobo's, not sure)
- Normally when this is the case, you can easely edit this setting back to regular IDE (or disable AHCI) mode, and than everything should work fine
- Try first booting with only your Windows drive in AHCI disabled mode
- When this works fine add the older drive and normally (like in my case) you should be able to access the data on this older drive

I don't know why you can't access the older drive when AHCI is enabled, haven't even bothered to figure that out, so just leave AHCI off or search for a drive that is compactiable with AHCI / formatted right under AHCI (?)


New option when AHCI has nothing to do with it:
It COULD BE that you plugged in the old drive in a SATA 600 port which isn't reverse compatible with old SATA, check pictures (in your manual) about your mobo's layout to see where the regular SATA ports are on you mobo.
QuoteIt COULD BE that you plugged in the old drive in a SATA 600 port which isn't reverse compatible with old SATA, check pictures (in your manual) about your mobo's layout to see where the regular SATA ports are on you mobo.

definitely not that, we were careful and made sure we put them in the SATA 3 ports (or something like sata3 name, my bro knows about PCs and i dont :<)

will try the ahci stuff now :) just need to be sure i can disable it right
Nice quality
ur a pwner and i hope to see you active in the back soon :P

btw finish this fucking movie :P
yeah im gonna play active now :) got some motivation! just hard to rely on guys like razz since he's only playing after midnight and I'm mostly playing at normal times :d
where did you get mika's frags from?
hmm I don't remember :3 why?
because I can't even remember when was the last time he came online except facebook
oh I see, well I think one of his ex teammates sent me that :P shewie maybe
ah this was the one you sent me ages ago, still very nice :P

and have you uploaded the movie stuff yet?!?! :D
better than what I've seen so far, but still there are things that for me "movie" is distracting. also produced to by fraggingmovie lags my mind a little.

between the exchanges are really fast, and it seems that they are filling one frag clips give more if circumstances appear on more than just the 3 lotto hs enough. that an't the whole point. also intro bothered very much, Since I was not having that even when playing. movies it could be omitted, if there is something essential not to speak, and when it should somehow emphasize.

mainly your, style of play is not, at least in my opinion, very fast. while it may be situations, priming your position a bit, but I do not appreciate the same place then slaughtering them very much. was mainly a mind that "Artstar, not anything else to say," so that it is time to raise himself a pedestal. is not unexpected, but you managed to miss it excess particularly often.

one's favorite themes, that is, NewAge-ET modifications. I do not get warm and textures to their own beings and pretty damn shiny skins. part of the textures are really ugly, and the color too offensive to the eyes, the same classics with skins, but I guess that someone receives something for it. gl_lightmap which was in use? somehow in the last millenniums game, not worse startle Aliasing and anisotropic filtering. call me stupid / old, but I want to see ET as it is. and for your coming movie unnecessary candies can be omitted if they are not really beautiful track time. it is with this game is very, very difficult.
basic kit does not use forced, but something is clear. blood-red particles makes me see red. issues like the game, could promote your minimalism and simplicity more. music also a big minus.

I do not know how you got / you take your eyes produce colors over satured. my behalf, however you should remove coloredgammalightmaps, because things are meant to be watched in a certain way. I went back and look at the rapid and i would puke, if that supply should been watched a minute longer.

Quite sappy saccharine taste left in the mouth. I can not be valued interest and / or appearance, when it will redeem the retinal bombardment.

that :30 braundorf 180 frag man <333333333

looks just too awesome :D
I tried to open console to see again who got fragged.
I did add popups in the corner at vegas, I finished about 3 more mins of this but only made a testclip at the time that it was 1min long :3
Not complaining about missing popups. I'd rather see quality popups like on Requiem or not at all. I just found it a bit funny that how I somehow felt like Iwas ingame, wondering why doesn't my § work. :D
I see, then yea it's funny x'd
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