close ur windows!

Just wanted to show u guys how much of an failer TARD my mate is :D

image: 402982_2988367225020_1137267425_3115577_1122981929_n


so he just finished cleaning out his car and drove the car to my other mates house but before he could reach his house his car got stuck so he left his car in a middle of a street and is going to get it tomorow
image: 406474_2988561189869_1137267425_3115632_1172790578_n

image: tumblr_ljf0miI7iN1qi4f9vo1_500
winter wonderland
hf living on the northpole ...

good for your mate that the polarbears didn't take his radio!

maybe he should turn off the lights so his battery won't run low ... ow wait :D
left engine on to keep the car warm
hahahha hver var þetta ?:P eh úr et eða ?
nah :) reyndar ekki en þá hefði þetta verið enþá fyndnara :d
hide yo wives, hide yo kids

image: Raping-Everybody-Guy-THEY-RAPING-EVERYBODY-OUT-HERE1
we gonna hit it & quit it
kemur ekkert mikið á óvart þar sem hann þekkir þig.
lol noobs cant handle the snow.
it's the first time he saw snow maybe?

Flag: Iceland Iceland
Country: IcelandIS
dude ur bad at sarcasm :p
it was kind of joke since he failed hard eventhough he lives in a country that has to deal with snow a lot :)
tbh eventhough i live in a country named ICEland i live in the Capital area and honestly there is never snow here.. allways raining but never snow.

image: funny-pictures-iceland-greenland
yea okay but you're not gonna tell me u don't have snow regulalry in other parts of the country right?
Since the capital area is close to the sea it's normal that you have less snow.
Thesame counts for the city i live in (Bruges)
well ofc we have snow. But we dont have that much snow compared to Norway / finland etc
ic, would like to visit it one day :)
This is what you get for waving your penis @ your mom
why would u even have ur window open in the winter :-D
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