
Hi all,

Booked a trip to Tallinn in a few weeks. Can Estonians or people who visited tell me what cultural things are worth a visite besides the prison and the old town?
Also, what's the weather like early March? Snow, freezing, lot of rain?

I'll be staying in the Tallinn Backpacker Hostel, anyone with experience there?
About what time do pubs/clubs close on saturday/sunday/monday?
What clubs/pubs should I visit, what should I stay away from?

Last but not least, what to expect about prices for beer in the pubs/clubs and food in the shops?

Thank you, kind people of crossfire.
March 2°C / 36°F -5°C / 23°F

probably -30 C next week :X
Go to "Hellä Hukk" (I think that was the name?), only place in old Tallinn that was open during the week with people. Also, right next to the old citys main circle (what is it called, not square since it is round), there is a torture museum, all kinds off stuff that mediaval-people used against non-believers, criminals etc.

Buy Vergi-packs, they are cheap as hell. 40% or 80%.
Hell Hunt!!!11o1ooneone!!
Close enough. I always go there :)
one of my favorite pubs to go to, schoolmates dad owns the place so he let us go upstairs in the 'private' lounge :d

also, how did you consider Raekoja Plats to be round?!?!
image: p283439-Tallinn-Raekoja_Plats
I don't know, I though it was :D
Well, im not from Tallinn, but still.
The weather - can be very different in every march. It seems like this march it can snow again, since the snow came down just barely in January. It gets very windy in Tallinn, so bare this in mind.
The pubs - On sunday, normally the pubs close around 11-12. Saturday - most of them i guess around 3. Monday- i don't really know, but i think around 1-2.
Pubs/clubs - Well, it depends what your taste is. For instance - http://www.clubprive.ee/?en . This is the one I liked. There are many more but yea, it's all about your taste.
Prices - Well, In pubs/clubs, Beer should be around 1-2.-euros. In the shop beer prices go from 0.50-1.70.- euros. The food in the shops is really cheap. Food is cheap. Again, it depends what you need. Allrdy cooked food from the shops - Mashed potatoes for instance are like 300g / ~1.- euro.
Tourism - The cross(statue) of liberty - image: 220px-Vabaduss%C3%B5ja_v%C3%B5idusammas_23062009
If you like outside tourism - Kadrioru Park. If you like museums - Kumu.
Thanks for the info.
About clubs, I prefer EDM (Electronic Dance Music), not R&B clubs. club privee seems one of the latter if I read correctly.
Can't tell you about EDM in Tallinn, sorry :/
Could help much more if you came to Tartu :PPP
There's a person living there who either comes to visit me in Tallinn or I'll visit her in Tartu. Depends on her work schedule.

So, just to be safe, got any info about Tartu? :-)
Teine Maailm Awesome. Should be your taste in clubs. :))))
Tartu is the university city of Estonia. A lot is going on there all the time.

On Saturday in Tallinn pubs/clubs close 5 or later usually. The best club in Tallinn is Überblingen in my opinion. Just dont go to Hollywood, which is in the old city. Underaged girls and a lot of retards. For a pub, go to a place called "Nimetu" or "Toonik", both are on the same street. ( You can call it the main street with pubs in the old town, I guess )

In Tartu the clubs/pubs close around 3-4.

For sightseeing, than there's the old town basically. Nothing really more to see there :D You could also visit Lasnamäe to see what it was like in the USSR. The building blocks will give you the feeling which could be useful for a western European person who really doesnt understand what it was like living in the USSR.
its Nimeta Baar (Pub With No Name) and Tonic Bar on the Suur Karja street
Not sure if he would like to go to Lasnamae, there really isnt anything worth seeing and he might get lost :D
For him it might be an experience worth having :D
dont go watch some tourism shit there. nothing to see
Just replying in order to fix some of the info Sinnu provided.

No point to buy beer in a club, minimum is 3 if even not 4 €. In pubs it depends on your taste. Alecoq can be bought starting from 2€ everything imported starts from ~3€.

About pubs for the weekend. On saturday most of pubs in Tallinn close at 5am, on sunday at 10 or 11 and on monday they close around the same time.

About the weather - just prepare for the worst, you can't expect anything good from Estonian weather.

The cross is not worth the time, just a piece of shit put together by some random engineers.
What do you want in Estionia?
To have a good time.
its quite cold here, just drink and drink , there is nothing to do here.
Shooters, place to be in the old town of Tallinn, not far from your hostel
An other great place is Ambasy (not far from shooters aswell, great to chill out in the basement and watch all kind of sports there)

can't remember any other names :DD

Kompressor, greate place to eat small things like pancakes and stuff

it's all very close to each other, it's suprising how small the old part actually is :P

Ow yeah btw, you can't bring any peepz that aren't "subscribed" to your hostel, atleast not the period we were there (september), but overall a great hostel, with lots of (drinking) activities :D
i think you meant Embassy,but yea its a great place
Ah yeah, not much time to remember names over there, haha :D
Quotewhat cultural things are worth a visite besides the prison and the old town?

LOL! 4,5/5 :-D
superalko is kind of expensive compared to other normal shops
fuck no, i use cheaper places
Visit night. :)
call me lets sniff cocaine and fuck hot bitches and ill meet you with russian gangsters experience u wont miss
Translation: Play LOL at dunzys mom's PC till 11pm, then to bed.
you don't like LOL? :o
i like laughing out loud but i dont like shit games as LoL :(
fuck that booked thailand trip and going to be there in 3 weeks, going in one month, working out like a baws now, mirin' the god of aesthetics, zyzz <3
and how's that going?
just watch my profile pic, almost there
hahaha, indeed. Close enough!
been in tallin last year
awesome adventure
Quote by Rhand...cultural things are worth a visite besides the prison and the old town?[/b]

do you mean the 'Patarei Vangla???

anyway if you're looking for cultural adventures then you might want to take a peak in KUMU(aka the estonian art museum) if you're into art, could also go see the Museum of Occupations or the Estonian History Museum if you like(or would like to know about our) history.

basically if you walk around in the old city you'll spot a few smaller museums anyway(not sure if they're all worth the visit though).

weatherwise can't really predict cause it could be either cold as fuck or mildly warm. You'll have to see the weather forecast before you come.
And dont forget, it will be between 0-10 degrees basically. So take a warm jacket at least.
There's some sort of Soviet prison that was closed down after independance but is open for the public nowadays.

Anyway, thanks for the useful information :-)
well, reading your description about the prison, it does match the one i linked above, though i'm not sure what it's like now. i went there(well actually i used to live nearby and we could sneak into the prison from one of the corners so i've wondered around there countless times :D) about 2 years ago, but now i've heard due to all sorts of restaurations around the area/in the prison itself, the atmosphere has been ruined a little. then again i wouldn't know cause i havent been there anymore, only heard it from a mate of mine.
Prison is actually closed for public, bah.
also i forgot to mention that across the street where you'll be staying(i've seen multiple backpacking hostels in the old town though, so i hope im correct with my statement), is a semi-decent "club-slash-pub" called Leviauk. upstairs there's a "dancefloor" room, i haven't really been impressed by the music once since ive been there, but when i'm drunk enough i can dance to anything :D downstairs and upstairs there are benches and couches and shit just to hang around with people, talk/drink and have fun :)

Von Krahl "Bar" is worth a visit, if you've previously checked their schedule ofcourse cause their music varies from smooth jazz to the hardest funeral metal :DD though the alcohol is expensive in the pubs/clubs around here, i still find this to be my favorite.

what time are you coming roughly? cause 29th to 31st of march is the Tallinn Music Week 2012 during which period there will be LOADS of artists playing in LOADS of different pubs/clubs.
First weekend of march.

Once again, thank for the useful information!
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