Poland DDOS lovers

Quote[...]But after this photo of Polish politicians protesting ACTA went viral yesterday, it’s time we all re-evaluate the role & legitimacy of DDOS. These Parlimentarians were wearing Anonymous Guy Fawkes mask while the Parliament’s website was down due to DDOS by Anonymous. We can’t emphasize that point enough - this is a game-changer.

image: tumblr_lygygduEOO1qmo7m0

Seems like the internet may win the war.
hmm? didn't ACTA get signed yesterday or something? :d
Yes by EU but it needs to be ratified by every countries government.
which at least for germany is not going to happen, since we at least got a reasonable high court
Just can't believe ACTA will pass. I dunno if everyone needs to accept it or will it be executed between the countries that have agreed on it.
it was already accepted in slovenia :)
Yes Slovenia signed ACTA with other EU countries. After that ACTA will be negotiated in every government and they have to accept it afterwards.
can only say for germany - and our current government would gladly sign acta imo.
though as i said - they're going to fail at court in the process/afterwards

already happened with the data retention, for which fail germany will probably soon get 'punished', for failing to implement (which our law does not allow for :P )
QuoteSeems like the internet may win the war.

Hope so.
if you're from the UK sign this petition g5 boom http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/20685
I voted for those guys with masks :D
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