Tzac problemMM

Well,had to reinstall windows got my self a clean ET installation and ET is working fine on non-tzac server,but when Im going on a TZAC server it's crashes ( send / dont send msg ) .
Did everything wrote on TZAC's FAQ and forums,nothing kinda helped,
Reinstalled Tzac X5 , Removed ETPRO folder and replaced it with a new one , Removed +set fs_game etpro .
CF what to do? and again,et is working lovely without tzac,but with him it crashes.
Thanks :E

Problem fixed :o)
Seems like tzac is not working with omega drivers.
remove fs_game etpro and put fs_game etmain
JUST remove this below ur tz id : +set fs_game etpro .. adn start game..
Gave permission to all the files inside TZAC folder?

See here:

A very annoying bug is the time. I have no idea if it affects TZAC but a lot of applications rely on a correct date and time. Check to make sure your computer date and time is correct (bottom right)

Right click on time adjust date/time - update via internet.
Got it fix,thanks you.
What was up :), was just replying :P
I'm using ATI omega drivers,and it has some function that force FPS drawing once it detects you going to 'GameMOD' and it seems that TZAC isnt supporting it,or cant handle it,dunno disabled and now it runing fine.
:) I see, maybe TZAC blocked it drawing over ET ;P. Anyway, atleast you fixed it :D.
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