Regret's LMS cup #3 Team edition

Hey guys!

In about two week Regret's LMS cup#3 will start!

This time a team edition, where you can sign up as a team!

Last man standing is becoming a much more popular setting to play with!

LMS1 config download This is the config that you will need to play LMS matches, this config will also be used this cup so better download it! You can place it in etpro/configs in the server directory just like the other match configs.
And you will be able to callvote it just like the others ;-)

I hope you will enjoy this cup, just like others already did before you!

Keep the scene alive!

nice work Regret , keep it up !
u didnt even finish the second cup and u announce third?
On a roll and it's two weeks from now :-) plenty of time to sign up :-)
Is there any sniper server alive with some players on it? Be it 2.55 or 2.60b I dont care
-=GER=- Sniperfun
Thanks but too bad there are only bots connected :(
Bots are your friends, they answer when you say hi :-)
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