Site blocked?

So since 2 days now i can't access the site
weird since i've been using it for almost 4 years now and never had any problem.

Have tried different things but havent found anything that worked, deleted cache and browserhistory etc.

Also for some public servers i use this: (old pic)
image: quickconnector

But atm i can't see server 5 either and i know that they are both on the same root server.

Others can access the site normally, only know from 1 guy he has the same problem, he called to his internet provider and asked but they didnt know how to fix it either.
Any thoughts?
flush ur dns -cache ? get a proxy , things like dat
Tried trough proxy and it works, but would be kinda shitty to do that everytime.
Dns cache flushed but no succes...
try getting on the site with proxy
Have you asked the admin of the site? He'll have more info than anyone here.
I've let someone send PM to site administrator, guess ill have to wait for his awnser...
Sounds like your parents have blocked it from within the router configuration.
yeah, problem is they barely know how to turn that thing on so i higly doubt it ^^
tried loading it on your 3g phone connection just to see if its isolated to you?
Can't connect on my phone either with wifi, with 3G it works, so it's provider related?
Yup - If you can connect with 3G and not with your home ISP something between them/your cache is up
Already flushed DNS Cache and cleared normal cache (dunno if its the same :D ) etc, and since im not really good in this kinds of stuff i dont know what to do :(
Check if your antivirus is blocking the site.

Also set firefox.exe to allowed program or something.
Antivirus is not the problem and Firefox.exe is allowed program.

Tried with Google DNS also but didnt change anything.
You have Malwarebytes trial version?
Nope haven't got anything, also didn't change any settings or whatsoever, no new programs nothing...
Maybe try updating your drivers.

Also try disabling TLS 1.0 from Tools > Options > Advanced > Encryption.
You can get to tools by pressing ALT and Tools option should appear in top of the browser. (At least in mozzilla)

Try boot your router.

Type this in run: notepad C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, and press Enter. Look if there is name of your blocked web site and add # mark behind it.

Maybe try this:
Can't find TLS , using Chrome. But can't access site in IE or Firefox either.

Router already rebooted multiple times...
I updated my post above, check new solutions.
Tried both, doesn't work.

Extra problem now: Xfire stopped working (is Xfire problem i've heard)
Hey Death,

You should be able to connect again. If it happens again just drop me a line at [email protected] and/or connect via a proxy like;
Still can't connect :S
and proxy works but won't allow me to login
Then you're banned and blocked forever
It feels really hard for the first 3 times or so, you should find better servers and communities to play on!
Google Search: Better communitie + server then Prime Squdron

Result: No results found

me sir sad :(
maybe try :
community <-> communitie
than <-> then
Prime Squadron <-> Prime Squdron

;) :DDDD
amazing profile pic!
works for me dumbfuck
ok thnx for info <3
no problemo <3
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