COD MW3 question!

I would like to ask if some pro palyers know how I can open console like ET/Quake style in COD? Having huge lags while playing with laptop, even if it has more "power" than my current comp.

So is there any kind of program or smth like that where I can make up my own cfg or even if someone bothers to send his own to me or upload on comment!

image: dancefail-12

Sincerly your COD noob
bad game is bad
Shit console game. You can try to change some cvars from the config_mp set the file to read only and still not much would change. Also i guess the game is capped at 90 fps as was it's utterly shit predecessor Console Warfare 2.
It's capped at 60, console standard.
capped at 90 for pc
about 95% of cfg settings are locked and console doesnt even work
The mw3 console is only for the admin, use config_mp to change personal unblocked cvars.

The mw3 esport plugin was made to change some useful blocked cvars, the game is a lot better on it ;)
Can it lead to a ban if you change those cvars? I love MW3 but I could use some graphic tuning
theyre server sided :<
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