Sony HX100V any good?

Dear Crossfire PHOTO freakz,

i need a new camera... dont want a big dslr carrying objectives with me... i like the new Sony HX100V and a friend of mine has it and the photo QUALITY is AMAZING...

image: 51VBKDnF%2BfL._SL500_AA300_
image: 71V56cheZGL._AA1200_
image: 71yblifluNL._AA1200_

Germany link:

any recommendations are welcome

Someone recommend me a good soundcard for ~80euros, no 5.1 plx just stereo and decent audio quality (oh yeah only conventional pci)
so u wonna spend 80 on something that doesnt bring anything new to the table?
its not like the change from onboard sound to additional stereo hardware makes any real difference, let alone one worth 80€.
do you even have a headset that can use the improved frequencies? are you even gonna use it for producing music?
need it for listening to music.. have decent headphones, just need a soundcard because der anschluss fuer die kopfhoerer hat nen wackelkontakt weil ich gestern uebers kabel gestolpert bin und jetzt nur noch der sound an der rechten seite kommt liegt aber nicht an den kopfhoerern da die am mp3 player noch beidseitig funktionieren
guck ma nach was deine headphones für nen frequenz bereich haben und kauf ne soundkarte die dazu passt.
80 ist schon zu viel denke ich, da brauchste gute hörer um das richtig nutzen zu können
14 - 20000 Hz
do you own the M-Audio Audiophile 2496 yourself by any chance
i still rock an onboard, m8 :(
mhk but should be a good one I guess
its called Audiophile, bro

cant be bad :S
but you know that could be some marketing strategy
marketing strategy = for mainstream consumers
mainstream consumer + word audiophine = wth is dis :S

I consider this myth busted.
buy expensive camera.
post blurry black and white pictures on facebook.
buy a 600D, I'm getting some nice results for pictures and awesome ones for video!
ask panda
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