skilled avi

im avi for 3o3/6o6 team pmme here skill high+

wy sie tym banem przejmujecie bardziej odmnie xd
even with ragebot and wh and everything you wouldn't be highskilled
Enjoy revoked posting rights.
almost funny
can someone ban this faggot from here
even with ragebot and wh and everything you wouldn't be highskilled
even with ragebot and wh and everything you wouldn't be highskilled
just gtfo lowskilled shit
pizda /!\
I dont know who u are but gtfo random piece of shit
Low is gonna be low.
YOU, are a perfect example of why so many players hate poland and polish ET players.

YOU, fuck it up for all the good, decent polish players, cos you little fucking crackbabies need so much attention and troll just to get over the fact that your father abuses you on a nightly basis.

The attention you seek is just covering up the fact that you get anally raged in real life on a nightly basis by your whole paedophile family.

you have nothing more than my pity, you sad soon to be suicide victim.

...just saying.

I love this kind of psychoanalytic theories about real life rage, nights dad rapes and other pedophile stories relevant to social issues.; especially founded by 40 old pale, its sound quite funny, you wanted to be harsh or something? Watcha, we got some badass here.

From other side of view - yes, this attention whore is just a retard.
awwww, arent you cute.

its a proven scientific fact, that if you cheat at et, you got fisted in the bumhole by your father when you were younger.
hahahaha couldnt agree with you more mr kevlar
and you're what, 30+ years old? right
if you can explain to me in a reasonably normal way, how EXACTLY , my age relates to this thread about cheating polaks and the anal abuse they take by their parents, i'd be really interested to hear it.
This could also be applied to some dutch kids
totally agree ;(
even with ragebot and wh and everything you wouldn't be highskilled
aim value ? 500000?
my parents told me not to stare or laugh at "special people", but still i cant stop laughing at u
oh dear, the spiderman master agrees with me!
I can tell by this post you are actually well upset about being caught cheating.
/!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\ /!\

panu juz podziekujemy
another compilation about the fucks I give for cheating scum like you:

image: look-at-all-the-fucks-i-dont-give-theyre-just-falling-from-the-sky
image: tumblr_lrmy4pzkif1qcfbmko1_500
image: 1940-large-1205
image: tumblr_ls4troYiEy1qj41h3o1_500
image: 120005_Ohno_1
image: tumblr_ls8432qIhD1qj41h3o1_500
image: 356wgx
image: tumblr_lvcl3dlLof1r3yftho1_400
image: tumblr_lrvpw9nYUq1qkwivv
image: tumblr_lolgaat9IA1qj41h3o1_500
image: tumblr_lp8hw4KxFM1qibvuao1_500
image: tumblr_lpitzrb5mp1qj41h3o8_250
image: tumblr_lsziaxhsHe1qd7yv8o1_500
image: tumblr_ltp3gzl9I91qj41h3o1_400
image: tumblr_lpoh5ex00t1qafrh6
image: 4411
image: thismuchfuck
image: there-it-goes-the-last-fuck-i-give-thumb
image: it-looks-like-somebody-came-looking-for-that-fuck-i-never-gave
image: tumblr_loj32gHjYq1qj41h3o1_500
it was funny the first time, now its just annoying.
image: look-at-all-the-fucks-i-dont-give-theyre-just-falling-from-the-sky
image: tumblr_lrmy4pzkif1qcfbmko1_500
image: 1940-large-1205
image: tumblr_ls4troYiEy1qj41h3o1_500
image: 120005_Ohno_1
image: tumblr_ls8432qIhD1qj41h3o1_500
image: 356wgx
image: tumblr_lvcl3dlLof1r3yftho1_400
image: tumblr_lrvpw9nYUq1qkwivv
image: tumblr_lolgaat9IA1qj41h3o1_500
image: tumblr_lp8hw4KxFM1qibvuao1_500
image: tumblr_lpitzrb5mp1qj41h3o8_250
image: tumblr_lsziaxhsHe1qd7yv8o1_500
image: tumblr_ltp3gzl9I91qj41h3o1_400
image: tumblr_lpoh5ex00t1qafrh6
image: 4411
image: thismuchfuck
image: there-it-goes-the-last-fuck-i-give-thumb
image: it-looks-like-somebody-came-looking-for-that-fuck-i-never-gave
image: tumblr_loj32gHjYq1qj41h3o1_500

thats what I think about ur comment

comment overruled by spiderman
skiled xD

place wolfcam2 folder in ur ET
download demo
place in wolfcam2\demos\
open ET.exe ->enter wolfcam mod->replays

follow xx
profit spec an unhiden aimbot in a tzac server

time spent 2min
B U S T E D get muscle!!
get wyksztalcenie jebany biedaku
bist du behindert?
just ban this retard please
ban him from every game known to man, this guy is seriously the weirdest person i know, completely talking to him self on bio having a full blown convo

Where is sol, 2 years ago i get banned for 6 months because I was merc and I played with a excheater lol


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