Single Players

After finishing Hitman blood money I need a new single player for my lonely times. My pc can pretty much run anything but that doesn't mean I have problems with old school games. Would be great if you can come up with some titles.

Here is a list of some single players I played before:
Jazz Jack rabbit
The Sims I/II
Simscity 4
Hitman blood money
Starcraft II
Rollercoaster I/II
The Godfather
Saint Rows the third
Most of the sonic serie
Whole GTA serie
Age of Empires
Age of Mythology
That is what I could come up with for now.

Here is a cool image: sgVak and a pretty cool image: YLpcF
and to finish off with a wonderfull image: Nb8Nx and a nice image: Yb4en
Almost forgot to show my new image: 405482_264327443635332_100001742356395_639475_1954023199_n

Have a nice evening crossfire.
QuoteJazz Jack rabbit

epic game
Comedy year 2000 - check tutorials - Giants.
Max Payne series
Heroes III
heroes III <3
Have you played through Starcraft I? also known as the war against photon cannons, sunken colonies and bunkers! You're bound to sooner or later reach the wonderful conclusion of how stupid it is xD

Also what im playing right now: Fire Emblem: the Sacred Stones :)
yes, the campaigne is pretty easy, but still it is enjoyable! will play it through tomorrow maybe
portal 1+2
jade empire
knights of the old republic
mass effect
Super Meat Boy
+1 for Jade Empire
can't seem to get jade empire running D: seems like a cool game tough.
it has a really great storyline, nice game mannnn
Mass Effect 1/2 (3rd due for release on 9th of March)

Dragon Age: Origins and perhaps Dragon Age 2
3rd due for release on 9th of March

i want to believe

But true, they'll probably delay like they did with the demo.

However I've not known BioWare put many things off for too long.
At first it was said its coming summer 2011 iirc :D
They didn't let EA rush them with ME3 like they did with DA2, look how badly DA2 turned out due to EA just wanting money.
no personal experience but if you're into war games you'll only have trouble choosing from the lot

(CoD, MoH, BF, etc)
Call of Juarez Series
QuoteMy pc can pretty much run anything

Hey I worked hard for it and so can you.
no time to work :( studies take all my free time :D
When I was a student I could prefectly work in the weekend and still go out in the evenings. Made some sacrafices but yeah that's obvious.
Parent chance to work during the week and i usually spend my whole weekend with my girlfriend.. so its kinda fucked up.but maybe ill be able to work at least a bit in the summer term
didn't have a girlfriend that take up tons of time so I guess there is your 'problem' but I wouldn't sacrafice my life for a gaming machine tbh.
well,wouldnt call that a problem :) im fine
that's why I used those '..' ;)
dump her and go make money

thats how we do
Pretty much just aint good enough.
Mount&Blade Warband: Prophecy of Pendor

Europa Universalis 3 Chronicles, Magna Mundi

Fallout 3 /w Improved Combat
I 100% agree with your choices, though EU3 isnt exactly easy to get into. Few ppl have the patience to learn the rules. Currently playing EU3:Divine Wind with Death & Taxes mod. My Iberian empire encompasses North & South America, Africa, Oceania and South East Asia. Most of my Centre of Trades are over 5000 income with me earning 120% of that =D Manpower + manufacture spam ftw! Only Bohemia, Ming & Russia are of any challenge to the Holy Roman Empire of Iberia. And ofcourse, we control the curia. Who shall we excommunicate today?

About warband, Prophecy of Pendor is a mod I assume? Last M&B I played was With Fire And Sword, though it wasnt as good as warband.

Try Tropico 3 btw, great atmosphere though the learning curve isnt as steep. Crossbreed between lincity and simcity :) Other good older games: Homeworld I & II. Maybe download some new textures, but the game is still really good. Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri & civ4 BTS. Borderlands was more then decent. Medieval II: Total War and Rome: Total War.

image: jI2tmjgDQIF2X

Half life 1, 2, episode 1,2

The Chronicles of Riddick: escape from Butcher Bay
mass effect 2...
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is pretty nice :)
Mafia 1 + 2
Dune 2000
KKnD Extreme
Warcraft 3 + tft
Dune 2000

no, just no
Thief: Gold.
Now available on GoG -->

Would suggest moving on with Thief 2: The Metal Age after that.

And No One Lives Forever 1 & 2 is a must.
Deus Ex best single player game ever.
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