e-mail spammers to use cf?

QuoteHello Dear
it is my pleasure to contact you after viewing
your profile email in www.crossfire.nu in my search for friendship, which speaks good about you i decided to drop few words to you.I'm miss judith by name, waiting for your reply back on my email([email protected]) for more introduction,also i will send my pictures for you to know me more,

Sup there cf crew?
email her back for the pictures
Maybe you shouldn't put your email visible at your profile... Duh...

EDIT: But sure, blame us. Or if that thing starts going good, np4cf, we are always happy to help sad and lonely people to get laid.
Wasn't offensive :D I got not much idea about such email spams, but I guess your site-security is pretty weak then huh? I mean, such spammers are usually bots or smth... or?
Yes, it is sites fault that your email is visible for bots that stroll around net. Sorry.

Pro-tip: my mail = kalli(aet)mailprovider.com
your point is..? :D
Quotebut I guess your site-security is pretty weak then huh?

QuoteI got not much idea

Oh really :D
i wouldn't lose my virginity to a internet contact :S
Heyyy, it is _all_ good.
you didn't even see what I did there
QuoteYou can feel free to contact me at:
Irc - #dream-gaming on quakenet.org
Email - [email protected]
Xfire - lovaundercova

its just your own stupidity that caught you, its not cfs fault that you provided your email address inside your public profile (even more that it is in its "normal" form). If you really need it to be there, change it smth only ppl can understand (or at least make it harder for bots/parser to determine its actual email).
i never get spam mail :(

forever alone...
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