ET and its following.

Make yourself known, been working on a project now since November and it's very close to beta phased testing so if there's anyone out there who knows me and wants to get involved in giving me some feedback then write me a PM hurr and I will involve you in the beta testing by the end of Feb.

In progress shot from early December

can you shoot through pillars there
looks interesting =O
yeah artstar idd
i c dead people ;o
znowu ty! co ty tu robisz?!
stop smokin bro
Could you tell us some more about your project ?
it's called The Dock
darky map r_rmse 150 for me
it's because it was TGA format screenshot, looks much brighter ingame even on r_gamma 1.0
inb4 new flop like pirates :D
hope it becomes a suc6 though, gl!
testing mode on /q always avi.
Shouldn't really post these because it's giving away too much but here's two further progress shots from early December. Get them PM's in to me if you like the looks of things.


looks nice, interesting how its gonna look when its done :)

good luck with the project
that looks pretty flat :|

i could help look for bugs/missing textures/stupid caulks etc if youd need it, I've got a pretty good eye for that and actually some spare time atm \:D/
reminds me of some CS map (possible it was a single player map :d)
Reminds me of an AQ2 map called Pier
ET and it is following.
ET and it is following.
Looks a bit flat indeed.
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