LF in ear headphones

I am looking for some good in ear headphones. I'm thinking about to spend a max of 30 euro's so please tell me wich in ear headphones are good so I know what to buy.

Thank you
dress up
go to mediamarkt
Dr. Dre or 50Cent headphones
Dr. Dre best.. you can buy Dr. Dre on a outlet site. its the older model but it is way cheaper. some in ear are 50% cheaper :)
oh well read the text wrong.

I would recommend philips for in-ear headphones, got mine for 20e working fine.
Koss Spark-plug.
just buy 30 for 1 euro
they are all pretty shit in your budgetrange
action 2euro for headset ;d
it broke after bout 2 hours
worked for me for about 2-3months 3th month only one ear ;d
take it up another 5 euros and get the sennheiser priceranged for those, they are fucking brilliant! had them for 4 years and the are still working after getting bashed a lot :)
i got dr.dre in ears :) Came with my new phone, quite awesome! Although they are expensive and i would never buy them :P
i use sennheiser mx470 atm. kinda comfortable to wear and the sound quality isn't bad.
20€ on amazon. though they're not "completely" inear, dunno the name of those you seem to shove straight up your brain...
http://www.head-fi.org/t/478568/multi-iem-review-218-iems-compared-fischer-audio-paradigm-v-3-fa-977-jazz-added-1-29-12 or if too lazy to read: http://cdn.head-fi.org/e/ed/3108x5700px-LL-ed3626c2_IEMchartljokerl.png

dunu dn-12 trident / MEElectronics m21
some of them might be alot cheaper now, worth checking out the 45 dollar ones, might still fit in your budget.
everyone here recommending dr.dre are faggots they look nice but the price is just too expensive for the quality you get.. go for sennheiser or sony ones
Sennheiser CX200 ~30 I guess
Sennheiser CX250 ~40 I guess
ok thx what is the diffrence between those maybe i spend another 10 if their waaay better
not sure, only have the CX200 and CX400.
The CX400 have way more bass, a way better acustic.

CX200 are around 22€ btw, and there are now CX250, its CX270 which are around 27€.

The CX400 are at 45€ but they are amazing.

If you are the proud owner of a smartphone, CX880i!
That will be my next order when that stupid apple headset finaly dies.
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