poland first to fight

anyone up for some HON GAMES SON?

1650 dunz here, add "duNzy"

lets spiel

image: Poland___First_to_Fight_by_hikari_no_devil
So now it's crossfire.pl or ... ?!
do u have fifa 12?
no sorry, i roll dota2
no gotta roll bf3 sorry

best medic in the game
poland first to fight, just like in WW2. they attacked germans back in september 1939 and practically started WW2
Who plays HoN the casual game where it is so easy to rape everyone. (source: roommate who has played HoN since beginning? Playing LoL now too, telling how it requires so much more skills to master blablabla)
I'm disappoint, duNzy m8 :(''
True heros don't hve school, job OR HoN!
Polish Power !!! aaaaaaaaaaaa !!1 buehue
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