Spartacus Episode 2

why is this show so fucking awesome :d

I miss Andy but the new guy did a good job, in my opinion at least. I was impressed. He's cute too, that doesn't hurt.

image: tumblr_ly6nfkcreK1qzoaqio1_r1_500
Where can I watch the first episode?
spartacus 1960: Maybe there's no peace in this world, for us or for anyone else. I don't know. I do know that we're brothers, and as long as we live, we must remain true to ourselves.

as heard in the track "mala - maintain through madness"

too bad its a dubplate, which will prolly never see daylight :(
First episode launched? =O
do u see vivi naked?
its not the same with the new guy :~<

its hard man
idd, first episode wasnt exciting imo.
its hard to connect to the new character since all the 'achievements' were the old character and the new guy suddenly is BEST
I loved the old one his voice, but yes this is good aswell. But that doesnt change the fact that episode 1 was boring :P
yea it was.
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