ET Speedcup @ 20.30 CET!

image: ihm5-d-c51c

1v1 Speed-Cup right at 20.30 CET
Signup closed! All slots filled!

We are proud to announce a short and fast 1v1 Speedcup for Enemy Territory starting tonight at 20.30 CET.
Visit us @ Quakenet: #ET-Cup and Sign-up by pmming Germany SPU9 with your Country and Nick.
Be sure to check our rules below. We will use 1 server -> all players connect there and set their time. The best times will proceed to the next round - Just 1 try and no selfkill!

image: s_foot
  • 1v1 Speedcup
  • All players have to connect to 1 server
  • No selfkill
  • Play as engi and do the objectives as fast as you can
  • The best times will proceed to the next round
  • Final will be on ETTv
  • Maps:
  • 1st Round: Frostbite
  • 2nd Round: sp_Delivery_te
  • 3rd Round: Adlernest
  • Final: Radar and Karsiah_te2

image: s_foot

Feel free to check the brackets of my first Speedcup last week:
image: brackets
who won
Clown (jonte left/forfeited after Radar) ;)
too bad :/
Gl Spu! 6v6 cups would be more interesting tho ;p But I know that they take more time.
joa mal schaun, evtl mach ich noch ein 6v6 bevor ich wieder ins arbeitsleben abtauche
kannst auch mein cupscript nehmen, wenn stray das passwort nicht verschlampt hat
thx for hosting mate
best times so far and whole playerlist:

final now: clown against outlaw - ETTv-IP:
gibt ne speedconfig von mir :D kA mehr was das besondere dran ist^^
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