cheaters cheaters cheaters cheaters


I'm starting to feel a bit bumped... And this is why.

I'm trying here to organize some nice cups. not just any ordinary cups but LMS cups. It's as hard as it is and then all of these things happen.

- Not everyone is clean, apparently.

This all feels like a kick to the nuts, which we all guys can relate to... doesn't feel good.

As if it isn't enough, I have to make decisions and I try to make them in the best way for the players in my cup. I don't want them to worry about the cheaters or whatever, I want them to have a good time.
The decisions I have to make are hard as it is and I tend to stick to them. I'm always open for suggestions and ideas but all of these things make it hard to.

I just hope that you guys, in the future, are honest.. Towards other people towards people (like me) who try to organize something fun.. But some of you guys tend to forget that...

It's not always about becoming the best, sometimes you just have to sit back and relax. Enjoy the game as it is.

I hope by giving some inspirational words that I at least reach one of you...

Keep the scene alive!


tl;dr version: fu read the text.
take players which were never busted and stuff and you might success :P
where's the bill m8
give chap some money and maybe it might help too ;)

25% were never busted so...hard to organize a nice cup ;)
zuig me piemel kut nerd
echt een vrijdagmiddag ;)
me hele dag weer goed :-)
QuoteNot everyone is clean, apparently.

Ofcourse not, there wouldn't be a NC or EC either if they wouldn't be allowed
It's hard m8 ;-)
choose your allowed players more carefully, hope you can keep your cups up :s
Whiteknight faggot
If you are willing to sponsor some cups, maybe we can work something out. ;)
what do you mean?
ugly fattie :D:D:D
take players which were never busted and stuff and you might success :P(what mental said)

the moment u got back outlaw u really went even lower than he was when he cheated.and he might still u know?
ohh is it 2003 again?
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