Egypt idiot

image: 397841_378460672168198_190353390978928_1711515_1223887636_n
if you dont have muscles, you have to take weapons.. what a loser.
you got sixpack, i got AK-47, what do you do, go!
I have the incredible power of the roundhouse kick.
70ppl died
looser guy.
there is no second o in loser.
but he's about to loosen his flesh!?
said the grammar nazi^^
actually it would be vocab nazi :D
ok you asked for it: he didn't use the wrong word , just mistyped it (from your point of view) :D

ok... lets just not pursue this any further^^
did he get stabbed?
I dont think so. No football player was killed(or badly injured)
But sadly 70+ ppl died
That's a terrifyinglly powerful photo. Did he survive?
News reports said the players survived, but that most casualties were among regular personnel.
most of the deaths were among people who were trampled in the crush of the
panicking crowd or who fell from terraces
man up ffs
... fans? no way
he should do his work... KICK HIM IN BALLS
seriously how can you laugh about that
i was not saying lol as laughing
i was saying lol like wtf... u know...
you do know lol means laughing out loud though don't you ..
yea,but since its proper meaning,this word is now used for more kinds of feelings i think

like u cant believe it or ur just laughing
I know what you mean:)
dont worry hes just trying to cut the shirt for him, it was really warm that night
iIt is now on the beach : d

image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTivmSakQAFy5jSUahDxLRfPOL5O6GbmVgLVNd5Q4UlhRWUkc6ZNSA7SBqoEQ
I wonder how people can say lol wtf rofl.. its like the Main news in TV ... how people couldnt knew from that shit what happend there.. :(
lol like h4x
This might be a real picture although i higly doubt it,
But most importantly this picture (if real) Wasn't even taken 3 days ago during the riots at the footbal stadium....

If you don't know what you're talking about, then dont speak!
that is one big knife there
its horrible what happened there.
But how the fuck could they entered the stadium with guns, knifes, etc.?!? Dont they have security filters?
funny thing is that all this shit going there was already there even before the 'revolution' :ASD::ASD:A:SD::AS:D

kanker europeans
So there was political unrest in Egypt before the "revolution"?? Really??

You seem to be a bright guy! :)
i was referring to the killing

unlike me, you are definitely not bright
And by that you mean what? Football riots or political or what??

And the "killings" you refer to had no basis in the general unrest of the country?

Agree that muslims tend to be more aggressive than Europeans.
haha i can tell you millions of stories when i did arrests on the Egyptian boarder

the things they do its simply horrible
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