A quick roundup

Haven't paid any attention at all to Enemy Territory lately, so can someone please outline what's going on currently?

What's the center of discussion right now, who's good, who quit, what are tournaments that are coming up?

I've seen the Nation's Cup is going on, so who's a player/team to watch, who do you expect to come out on top?

What won, 5v5 or 6v6?

In summary, a brief recap of the past 6-8 months?!

I'm considering getting back into ET a little bit in one way or another. So, someone up for a scrim perhaps?

PS: Which admin is the biggest jerk at the moment, so I know who not to piss off?

Are random chicks still a thing? Someone remember retard crab? I loved that guy.
Quotewhat's going on currently?

people getting busted
Main discussions :
- tzac
Tournaments :
- CC8
- NC
Teams to watch :
(Nothing surprising)

#follow.et always avi for gayming

Admins seem to be dead or something no real nazi nowadays

Chicks still there, razzah doin teh job

What's the TZAC discussion about? And what's WAC?
tzac : cheaters busting cheaters and so on, teh future of tzac seems compromised coz not enough money bmahblahblah

WAC : new ESL anti cheat - testing
Is WAC any good from your perspective? Who is making it and why does anyone still bother about ET?
Not new, WAC is already used on BF3 and for some others game :)
new on et alcoholic
Benjii on 05/02/12, 04:08:08
Came back from da kulb
shitloads of ppl getting busted
So it's 2007 all over again?
dunno, wasnt following the scene back then
producten met glyfosaat gaan uit de verkoop in nederland
Jammer.. maar we hebben er niet nodig omdat het niet zeer milieuvriendelijk is..
I love this so much!
:) I almost made a nostalgia journal for the crab but after a while of dwelling into the golden memories I felt the crab isnt necessarily that special to other people anymore :P

image: crab_drago
Who made these anyway? Is RC the one original meme that ever came from Crossfire (except for the ask perfo stuff)?
I made the lotr gif, drago made the drive-in pic. also when chaplja made his profile hit counter I made the crab theme for it, in fact chaplja trolled some random guy on irc with this crab thingie. http://dec.pp.fi/crab/crab_irc.jpg

but I think originally it sprung from somewhere else, crossfire just seemed to enjoy it more, I'm not sure though.
I can't emphasize enough how deeply 'Oky Bibuy' was dwelling in my vocabulary for a way too big a portion of my life.
Who's good?

United Kingdom Baggiez.
still doing chickjournals but not so often anymore ;(

2 busy with playing nationscup y0
welcome back :-)
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