Polish-DT Predictions

Polish Draft Tournament
CF -> http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=news&mode=item&id=7213
GTV -> http://www.gamestv.org/league/1022-polish-draft-tournament/

image: zabaa1

For those who can't understand what's on screenshot:
It's ss from zAAba's PM inbox
zAAba is explaining to Kento how to run hax on tzac without detection + gives him link to it

date of pm 27.01.2012 (week ago)

Kento is in Team-HassaN

so my prediction is..

..u should already know..

image: smiley1

but what's your prediction / opinion : ) ?


<KENTO> "On what cheats are people playing, which are still working on slac ?? because all the time someone busts someone - so they must play on something :<"
<zAAba> "only need any cheat just launch with some dll-injector for example some old etbot 4.04 or bimbot 2.12 and you can play, chaplja does not checking nothing from tzac so they won't get banned, but if he wants one day then many people will get ban."

<KENTO> "what you mean, how to run it with dll injector ?? because generally I have all these etbots and bimbots on HDD and I would like to play somewhere with it on pub but I don't know how :>"

<zAAba> "(url) speedyshare.com
Launch it, then tzac and et and play, you can set bot in cfg/xyz_default.cfg or in game with commands ncv_, but better don't set it in game because tzac is making random screenshots XD"

<KENTO> "But there is some bot in it or something ?? because you didn't say when I have to launch bot :D"

<zAAba> "Yes there is bot in it, Launch that .exe then tzac and click start in tzac and this window will dissapear and et will open"

<KENTO> "and tell me, how to set this bot to have only wh and nothing more, and only set on button direct aim when necessary ?:D when necessary to shoot insta 3hs with button :D is it possible ? and what about that screenshots on tzac ?"

<zAAba> "can be seen on screenshots
to set on button then change ncv_aimkey and number from (url) [delphi.about.com] from Value table (hexadecimal)

<KENTO> "hmm but there is nothing now that could not be seen on screenshots ?"
chlopak chce sie wybic :D zostaw go hahaha
jebany sprzedawczyk, dojebiemy cie kurwo
Hijacking account, someone should ban you.
Also, this ETbot is detected - till chap gonna manualy ban cheaters, if its gonna happen in this year.
I'm not the one who hacked (guessed his password) dumbass
btw. great WH ss u have here: http://tz-ac.com/profile.php?id=11490

; ) so poor so pooor
Im too lazy to prove thats not even mine account,
sorry. Dont call me "dumbass" since you break the common law, and somehow inet etiquette, does't matter thats cheater inbox.

Im not gonna flame back you, because im too cool.
"you break the common law, and somehow inet etiquette, does't matter thats cheater inbox. " wtf?

1. what law ? some german kid posted zaaba's password in journal section (topic was deleted after few mins)
I was lucky so i logged in as zAABA and made few screenshots: http://img820.imageshack.us/img820/7193/sssml.jpg

2. inet etiquette ?? whatt ?? what etiquette people need to HAX IN FREE FPS game like ZABA and you ?
3. doesn't matter is it cheater inbox or not ?? YOU ARE REALLY AN IDIOT

I think every fair player on cf want to kick out persons like zaaba from ET and this forum

login to his account helped me to recognize unbrained cheating kids - I see only advantages of this.
That is invading privacy. No matter what your excuse is , it is wrong and illegal and you leave your self open for law suits and criminal charges. I acutally called internet polizei and they gonna take you to jail.
BAN HAMMER for you and rest of polish and other kiddo cheating trash
Its appeal or something? Use more capslock next time, maybe someone give you attention.
ahah ROFL :D
who cares about random PM's?
hack my pc and u will be like a god :XD
nice new career as [manto] erenski ; )

oh wait..

forgot it's over : ( http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=43312

Lol stupid hackers...:D
I predict that there is no polak in the end of 2012 without a red triangle here on crossfire.
i wont gain it fo sho!
challenge accepted
ehm so whats your point?
do pieca kurwa i ban do konca zycia!
Twoja kariera w ET dobiegla konca nie doczekasz sie kontraktu i gry w pro housie !
to prove that many of Finland and other guys here on CF are right: POLISH players are mostly retarded or/and cheating trash - this and many many more topics proves that Poland = fu****g cheaters nation

ja pierdole ale ty jestes glupi :XD
kento jak mogles!!!! bys sie podzielil a nie :DD
dajcie bota
Swoja droga xD za co kurwa ma byc ban za rozmowe ? Nie robcie jaj z pogrzebu :C

Mogliscie sherlocki chociaz poczekac az odpali i nagrac ;U
Rutkowski Patrol nie przyjmie Was w swe szeregi :/
i sie wydalo :c
wydalo? a ktos z tego robil jakas tajemnice? ;D
jest pewna roznica miedzy pisaniem otwarcie a szeptaniu po katach
otwarcie nie wyslalby mi tego :)
dramatic trolololo XD

but the question is, how stupid can a Anonymous Kento be? not being able to run bot in country where everybody got one :/ it's a shame for whole nation, because he has already got the instructions back in 2k3 (like all of us). unfortunately almost 10 years later, he still unable to read .pdf so he's forced to ask some kids who started playing last summer ;D its poor to think about, how bad can you fall over these days...
dont have a cheat exp like u masta :D
przydalo by sie takie, zeby nie bylo widac na ss-ach co nie :S ?
nie robie z tego zadnej tajemnicy, ale cieszy mnie to ze tak angazujesz sie w cala sprawe i probujesz dopilnowac aby wszystko w dniu jutrzejszym bylo w porzadku.Niestety wydaje mi sie, a raczej mam tego pewnosc ze nie znasz realiow jakie panuja i Twoja praca nie przyniesie korzysci nikomu.
yeah you don't and thats the problem. i cheated even at lan - asked admin, friend of mine to give easier opponent for quarter finals. hahaha even Aima with loads of powder couldn't handle authentic when we simply had to bash some lowtards (decline or smth, shoutouts to n00n & dvk3)
az czerwonych oczu od tych haxow dostales
czerwone oczy to nas jednoczy (c) Jamaica phla
the methods and instructions are the same as 10 years ago ?? You are funny guy : )
most known Poland cheater nowadays is zAAba who is still playing competitive with undetected cheats as "manto erenski" or with other stupid new nickname http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=forum&mode=item&id=43312 - So he was the right person to contact with.

and read what Kento wrote to zAAba

"<Kento to zAAba>: how to run it with dll injector ?? because generally I have all these etbots (etobotry ^.^) and bimbots on HDD and I would like to play somewhere with it on pub but I don't know how :>" = 5th and 6th line in screenshot

oh.. so he had (and used?) them before..

- but still nice defending your friend by trying to present him as a total newbie at haxing

almost every PL-member comment in this journal proves that:
Poland = dumb cheaters nation
you're the only one funny guy who took that literally. obviously missed my point. i was making fun about our reputation, because for narrow minded people from other countries we all cheat, so polak asking for bot may sound funny XD i don't care, neither about him, nor about the future of this game - so feel free to take care about useless stuff <o/

och and btw, is there such a thing as most known cheater nowadays? btw, what does competitive mean for you? because i never saw him playing in any match that matter. same goes for this undetected part, for me the guy with red triangle is far away from that. he simply kept playing with bad reputation, whats so noble about that? and now this clumsy try, even though its not enough even for shitty cb XD
shame on u Kentoboi ;(
no wez przestan zwariowany wariacie ;D
I predict belka will play
chodza pogloski ze zabral ze soba gamingowy stuff do promena i stamtad bedzie napierdalal - nienamierzalny nawet przez brudne oko obserwujace kazdy jego ruch z najwyzszego punktu w okolicy stolicy :O
wysylam zatem zastep czarnych jezdzcow!
I dont get it why everyone wants to play with hacks... or why people even share that shit...

That cup going to be a massive fail coz people try to get good ... let the clean players play a good match/ cup and fo and go play jaymod / 2.55 or any other shit but not ET PRO...

If its true what you say you rly should ban such guys too.... ffs ... ET is the best game since years and you guys destroy it coz you are to stupid to get good with skill or not able to deal with it you maybe suck..... :(
+1 please gtfo h4x0rz.
kids forgot the point of game
kids miss the point of life
polish people are stupid and immature. Im smart & mature
I wouldn't call you mature
what a fucking disgrace. it's even worse to see those people still able to 'participate' in this community with just an extra decoration onto their nicks.
How did u steal zaaba's account to see his pmbox?
some german posted zaaba's password in journal section (topic was deleted by admin/mod after few mins)
okay, h3h3 :) Thanks for mr. German, now we know Kento has asked cheats:)
kento jestes zerem:D tzn zawsze nim byles i zawsze to mowilem ale jest to kolejna okazja zeby Ci to powtorzyc, pozdrawiam!
twoja matka kurwisko
Pozdrawiam kolege.
heh po matce jezdzisz, widze ze rowny z Ciebie gosc ;d. btw jebac et ;d
need this avi where ppl kicked cheater at lan ( USA, CS? )
w0nd3r if he was from poland ^^
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