Battlefield 3?

Hey guys!

Is there anyone who plays BF3? Well, okey, I would like
to see my old friends answering a big yes, mainly.

Thinking about to make a team (with high ambitions since
I was pretty used to it in CA with the daily competition, but
if its not working out too well, fun is the main thing I m looking
for) and need some really good material :)

Lets talk here but if u want to contact me, my Origin and Battlelog
name is Trevize1987.

Greetz, Trev
all on low, low resolution

30 fps :(

8800 ultra

noeeez. buy pc mate, this game is so beautiful, worth to play it on fullHD. but i bought my new pc for Skyrim actually :D
E8200 2.6ghz 4GB ram 9600GT 512mb

all low 1280x1024 30 fps

shit game is shit
no i still got with 30 fps to lvl45+ (colonel 2nd star) with 30 fps and 80h time played

awesome game is awesome, shit pc is shit
60 fps on medium oh boy :D
intel core duo processor 5200+ 2.6GHz, 4RAM, Geforce 260 GTX, 1280*1024, all low
=>30fps but still a great game :)
i7 4.2 ghz
16 gb ddr3
hd 6990

Game is brilliant :)
Its a great game, buggy as hell (as per the recent column!)
Not that much bugs, compared to the size and difficulty of maps i think. Still saying its the best FPS ever made, hopefully with good support from DICE, but from that I did not hear too good things.
i read your article , and as far as i can see there isnt any bugs ive encounterd, u might just be one of the unlucky sods :D
I've resorted to self harming.
what errors do you get , maybe i could help
The most annoying bug is when flying or driving the the accelerator key stops working which isn't too bad when you're in a tank but when in a heli at low altitude its game over haha.

SoF peeps play everyday Ste Will Pilch and myself none of this TDM shite though.
TDM sucks balls, conquest all the way!
+1, although the concept of Rush isn't all that bad (contrary to the map design unfortunately).
Good concept
That happens as well while on foot.
I have got BF3
been TDMing, fuck vehicles xD

gotta say i like it, seems to be very playable even with 3G, hit reg works just fine and its just so fun atleast for now
hm have to admit never even tried tdm. conquest and rush only yet, i like the teamwork needed there and with just a good squad even public would be much better.
yeah fuck them tuned vehicles when you fire 10 fucking rockets and the tank is uber upgraded by some nerd who wasted 200 hours playing in a tank

infantry only brah
javelin is the answer to any tank out there
if ur playing solo noone out of snipers will help you to mark it
The game is awesome!
Some bugs and a few things which make me mad sometimes but in general its great.
Vehicles suck tho!
naaaaaah. vehicles make the game so real. when a tank arrive to the point where u capturing a flag your heart beats faster, and you fear the worst :D i like it so much, even a shitty public play can be adrenaline pumped.
I like the fast action on metro and bazar, no vehicles to slow down that game (cuz of hiding and waiting for someone to destroy it).
Also, most publics without vehicles dont allow the rpgs and m320s which makes the game a little more aim based.
nice game, except for the snipers who only fly around with the scout tools and kill u with it.
im gonna start playing it, getting new pc for it in a week or so max!

e: already installed and stuff, but lags to much with current pc
i like the gayme tho, add me sENSAHA
yo dawg yo
playing already for bsturz
if u found some mates then u can play vs us :D
QuoteWell, okey, I would like
to see my old friends answering a big yes, mainly.

Leaves me out...
image: Okay_guy
caTchEr - caTchjii
QreeN - Synatixw0w-
D4viD - D4vitrij
kagutsuchi - windr
Gungy - Gungy
genShi - genShi1337
Rayzed - Rayzed2512
zentic - zentique
jolokia - jolokiaaA
Specula - speculaaa
lagg3r - Laggeriuz
znArk - znarkii
blAckmAmbA - blAckmAmbA-289
KPunktor - obv_K-Punkt
bksm - obv_bksm
Ruben0s - Ruben0s
Dikke - ikfopjullie
HunteR99 - hunt3r99
dEzIrE - Deziiire
Hidroboy - Skotoe
Mica - mischaverheul
Tele - 7ele
drks - drks
faii7h - faii7h
SayatNova - HrantDink
Ati_ - Atitej
jANGO - mnpcisnietgoedgenoeg
Goku - Gokusan93
phnn - Greenphoen
WeZoR - WeZoRR
submarine - Laazlooo
Predje - Predje
Gold0raK - Gold0raK
dAv1d - dAv1dLoL
Kartez - kartez01
mamouth - mamouth1
khsnake - khmersnake
dr4g - Dr4g_OnFire
Nirv - Nirvje
VerMu - TheMahamies
sani - saniboika
Hemo - H3mo
bitch - COYS287
hvk - Ayila
NoX - noobnox
cAst0r - c4st0r
xSigMax - SigMa
Raiven - Rejwen23
Abysss - Abyss
kneJii - kNEJII
oLGaa - znuund
duNzy - dunzaR
Nukits - pyzec
baq_ - baq_
Jimriniho - Jimriniho
h8m3 - h8m3zilla
vl0z - vl0zje
Temari - ryoumei
Snuble - Snuble
Winghaven - Winghaven
propain - aod_suffer
:) the guy didnt change my name...
anyone playin on ps3?
awww thats cute :P
Does anyone know a main IRC channel were u can look for scrims? Using #bf3.wars now, but theres only 300 max in the channel and not very active.
yeah only#bf3.wars and its more active then et...
Oh, ok thanks.
why would u even want to play wars in that pub game?
The same reason u play wars on ET.
ET is a competetive game.
BF3 is far from that.
butchji and me nerding it 24/7 like a boss

love that game


said you'd play with me :`(
Check my Friends on Facebook Battlelog.
i added u on skype and on battlelog... why u neva accept? why u neva on irc? why u whine nao :)

I dont have any skype request from you? But it might also be because I was away for a week :x
maybe i added the wrong person :P but you should get a request on battlelog... my skypename is saepotter... so maybe you should add me :P
added on skype
iam working until 19:00 cet will accept later
hai? Fuck you.
Just Epsilon and they're aimbotting.
oh pls one more..
they dont cheat

(Who are these people?)
winghaven,relaod,rahula and 5 more idk the names yet
Rahul plays bf3?!
not rahul
rahula is from finland he is a fucking powner :x
Rahula (from ET) will be devastated.
Can't you see the difference between the demonstration clip and some actual scrim footage?
no frop they are using MACROS!
I got the macros aswell for free ;)
there are actually really izi to make... but i would never use smth like that... aiming is already really izi... why making it even more easier? makes no sense
well i am agree with u, but i wanted to test it to shot withouht recoil and thats why i downloaded it 2 days ago . I tested it only on nopb and unranked server, its rly better but i guess i dont need it :P i am rolling noobs even without that^^
Yeah, you don't need a recoil script for the M320 anyway.
in my team i am the aggressive medic thats why sry ;D
17.7%acc without macros :DD
like a boss
tell me more about these macros? i m playing for 1 month, getting better and better every round but there is nothing like crossfire for bf3 yet (or just i dont know it) so i m kinda clueless when someone is shooting me for 5 times in a row and i have the good old feeling that he cheats (ofc never sure, but who knows). so what are these macros?
check the last winghaven journal then u know everything.

saepotter is my battlelog name...

*edit* its "potterrrrr" now
ah and whats ur battlelog name? (if u dont mind, i would add you)
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