ESL WAC Testcup

Unfortunately I was not here yesterday eve => I was unable to play the ESL Wire Anti Cheat cup...

According to the esl site there were a lot of how was the cup? any problems with the program? other interesting things happened? was it a success?

Any other wac tournaments coming?
Oh yea, forgot it totally. Would be nice to know how it went!
There should be a 3on3 cup coming up this sunday. At least Foamea promised me that. ;D
WAC itself was working smooth, at least for me. Meaning no FPS issues like there were with TZAC. Only thing I didn't like was the game startup time and after the match it was collecting some info which took a while for the 1st run at least.
I never had a single FPS problem with TZAC =x people complain about that all the time and I don't understand it, even with my broken pc TZAC had no effect ;o
There were some for me obviously and chaplja fixed them instantly for me releasing another update when I contacted him.
Everything went smoothly on my end. But I agree on Edgar's last point.
For me it was fine too

At the begin i was confused coz in CSS the game starts automaticly and join the server byself so you just have to start WAC than connect to the server by yourself and TADAA thats it.

No lags , all smooth no problems at all :)

Just played 1 round (thx KarteZ :D) but it was good! ^^
No problems with the program itself, tho there were many forfeit wins due to oppo not being there.
The feedback was ok, I think most of the players liked the way WAC works. :)

We plan on making a 3on3 WAC Test Cup. Should be announced anytime these days. :)
whats up with winter league playoffs, they start normally today?
Will be announced on Tuesday, due to some matches that were not played on Sunday...
If the program is working fine after few more tests, why don't get it public for pub servers and clanbase? Help get rid of the cheaters in pubs, irc wars, CB offi's and ESL offi's.
I think most of the people will appreciate your effort for that.

No offence to chaplja but on TZAC the cheaters keep playing because the manual bans aren't done or just taking way too long because of his absence.
it's for ESL only anyway :<
u sad much?
well ESL ain't that bad since they got rid of you but still... that's wrong!
The only wrong thing here is that you didnt brushed your teeth.
The only thing that is wrong here is your English :)
My english can be trained but your face cant :DD
Always found it funny how only e-people have trouble with my face.
It´s funny cause you act disabled on the Internetz and you look disabled in real life.
I think your definition on how disabled person acts is a bit off. That's quite sad.
was unclear how to use it but in the end its simple once you know it.
esl wire system works ok no lags in game definitely new way to keep the game out of cheaters. and dont blame its for esl only since cb did nothing to keep the game alive. also esl wants to give a chance playing it normally without joing to leagues etc by gathers and the only reason what's sat for me that ppl blame site because they are too lazy to learn how to use it what is simple
Godlike. If people would start to use the new gather system and all those new cool features to run cups on ESL we might get the chance for nother few prestigeus competitions like the IPS, EMS and similar. (no admin speaking here)
It would be really cool but we have to be realists .. EMS is max and enough for ET community. There is really small chance to find sponsors for cups hosted by esl but it all depends on ppl and their activity on the site and in leagues esl offer now. There is no way that ppl change their mind about esl .. and cb site and cups hosted by it is like god for them.
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